Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Reading:  Marley
Please remember to get on Edmodo and give Marley feedback, comments, questions, etc.

Goals for the Day

  • Define "jingoism" and determine to what degree we see it in American ideology and rhetoric.
  • Understand Aristotelian Appeals (logos, pathos, and ethos) and identify examples in rhetorical discourse. 

Starter #13  

  • Ray Raphael says, "We continue to see ourselves as David to prove we are not Goliath..."  What does he mean by this?  How does he see this as a result of mythologizing the study of history?  Why should we care?

What is jingoism?
Pair share:

  • Look up definitions.
  • Do we see "jingoistic interests" in contemporary ideology and rhetoric?

EDMODO:  Do we agree with Ray Raphael's claim that "the historical self-portrait of America as the little guy, together with a myopic denial of international politics, fuels the quest for unbounded global power"?

Review/Discuss yesterday's assignment

Obama's Addresses the Nation Upon the Death of Bin Laden

  • What is the exigency?
  • What are Obama's motives, both hidden and revealed?
  • How does it impact on you personally as an American?

Aristotelian Appeals

Homework:  Edmodo

Post, respond, drop rhetorical bombs!!
  • Find examples of logos, pathos, and ethos in media sources. Post at least one of each to Edmodo!
  • Respond to prompt about Ray Raphael's claim.
  • Respond to this question:  Do you see "jingoistic interests" in U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East?   Why or why not?
  • Give Marley feedback!