Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Tuesday, August 31st

Starter: Project Survey

Let's analyze some more discourse! Pay attention to the RHETORIC and IDEOLOGY contained in the discourse.


For each song:

  1. Pay attention to the details, the tone, the lyrics, the symbols: What do we notice?

  2. What is being expressed about America? 

  3. If the song resonates rhetorically with its audience, what does that suggest the audience may believe about America?

8.31 Song/Video Response:

Write your first TEA paragraph of the year!

Please do this in your Digital (or paper) Comp Book...

  • Topic sentence makes an interpretive claim about one of the songs (or both!).
  • Evidence: supporting details from the song/lyrics/videos that support your interpretation
  • Analysis: Explain your connections. Draw conclusions!


USA: Democracy or Empire

Monday, August 30, 2021

Monday, August 30th

Let’s use our digital comp book!

Starter 8.30:  Complete this sentence as many ways as you can think of.  Be literal and/or figurative, positive and/or negative.

  • America is....

PROJECT LAUNCH!   (This description can be found under the “PROJECTS” link on my DP for your reference)

So let’s deconstruct a little piece of Americana….

Pink Houses

Listen once without video and answer prompt questions 

1.  Do you think that John Cougar Mellencamp’s tone is more patriotic or cynical?  Explain why you think so, using evidence.

2.  Make an interpretive claim about this song using evidence. What is he saying?  What is the message?  What do you think this song is trying to express about America?

3.  Group share/interpretation:  What meaning do we find?  What do the people in the song believe about America?

4.  Discuss:  Does the video change your interpretation?  How and why?

IN OUR OWN WORDS (Pair Share)  What is ideology?

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Thursday, August 26th-Friday, August 27th


Intros: Let's Make New Ospreys Feel Welcome!

  • Name

  • What are you excited about?

  • What is something that is confusing you, disturbing you, or amazing you about life in America right now? 

Who am I, Jessica, your teacher?  Questions for me?

A note on junior year:  Best year of your life so far?  

  • "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." --Hamlet


  • Culture of Excellence! You all must share the bearing of this torch!

Willing to Be Disturbed

Spirit Read and Seminar

  1. Read "Willing to be Disturbed" by Margaret Wheatley:

  2. Mark lines that stand out

  3. Identify the main argument/thesis of this writing

  4. THINK or WRITE:  In what ways do you need to "be disturbed"? What ideas/beliefs/identities do you cling to that you could be challenged on?

  5. THINK OR WRITE:  Why am I having you read this?

Spirit Read

1.  Everyone participates at least once.  You can speak more than once.

2.  Read a word, phrase, or sentence.

3.  No commentary or opinions.

4.  When possible, try to connect with what was just read.

5.  Give all voices a chance.

6.  Pauses can be powerful.

7. Repeating words and phrases is fine. 

Seminar Norms and Conversation Movers


  • What exactly is she asking us to do? Why?
  • What does this reading bring up for you? Where does it hit you?
  • Do you agree with Wheatley's perspective? Why or why not?
  • How might cultivating our “willingness to be disturbed” help us navigate our moment in history? 
  • In what ways do you/we need to embrace uncertainty?
  • What do we want to create together from this year’s experience?
  • What happens if we are again thrust into the unknown?
  • How will we carry our culture with us into the storm?


What questions do we have at this point?


Course Description and Project Essential Questions from Syllabus


Please return the LAST PAGE ONLY, signed by self and parent/guardian on Monday

Tell Me About You (due Monday)

Join my Google Classroom! crhjwlq

Bookmark my webpage!  


Review my Honors syllabus

Please read Montana 1948 for next Friday. We will have an Honors meeting and a "book club" seminar that day (September 3rd). There will be a brief analysis essay due the following Friday, September 10th. The completion of this initial assignment (on time!) is a requirement to enroll in Honors.

Digital Comp Book Set-up 

1.  Create a new Google doc and name it:  FirstName LastName Digital Comp Book 

2.  Share the document with me at jessica.mccallum@animashighschool.com.  Make sure you give me editing power!

3.  Each entry should be labeled so that it is clear to me which entry goes with which prompt.

4.  Master document on my Resources page to keep up with prompts

5.  You are responsible for all starters and entries, even if you are absent

6.  Feel free to add images, links, and other digital content in your responses!

7.  Chat with me if you prefer to keep your comp book on the Earth instead of in the Cloud.

TO-DO (by Monday)

  1. Review my syllabus and have your parents review it.  Return the letter signed.

  2. Join my Google Classroom

  3. Tell me a little bit about you

  4. Set up your Digital Comp Book and share it with me (jessica.mccallum@animashighschool.com)

  5. Honors prospects ONLY:  Read my Honors syllabus and make a decision. (You have until September 10th to change your mind). Read Montana 1948 for a "book club" meeting next Friday.