Friday, December 11, 2020

Friday, December 11th

1. Starter: Gratitude, Roses, and Appreciations

2. All that remains....

3. Last call for any work from this semester: Sunday, December 13th @ midnight

4. If you want to get a jump on POL's, please check out the letter that Libby is sending out today to you and your families.

Thank you guys for a wonderful semester! You all inspire me more than you even know!

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Thursday, December 10th

Project Submission Guidelines:

1. Submit an annotated version of your project where you have used the bullet points of the rubric to demonstrate how your project meets the standards (or doesn’t). For video projects, this “annotation” can be done on your script and/or by giving a detailed run-down of where in your video you have met the rubric standards. See Sage's poem example for these types of annotations. 2. Include a copy of the rubric scored on parts A-D. What grade do you deserve on this project?
3. Don't forget to include your MLA Bibliography when you submit! Copy and paste it into your written work. Give it its own page. Be sure it is alphabetized with a hanging indent.

Honors: Seminar TODAY!
When we finish, please complete:

Seminar Reflection and Synthesis 1984


  1. REACTION TO DISCUSSION:  React to something that was discussed in the seminar.  Was there anything that enlightened you?  Something you particularly disagree with?  How did your thinking about the book change as a result of this seminar? 

  2. REACTION TO BOOK: Write a robust TEA paragraph that answers one of the following questions. Use details and specifics from the novel to elaborate on your answer.

Seminar Essential Questions:

    1. How does a single group gain total power in society? Why do people submit to authoritarianism?  

    2. What are the reasons why people might not submit to authoritarian power? Is rebellion worth it?  What drives Winston’s rebellion?  Why do think Orwell ends the novel the way that he does?

    3. What is the purpose of Newspeak?  What is the relationship between language and power, both in Orwell’s Oceania AND in the political world we are living in? 

    4. Is a government capable of distorting and/or reshaping objective reality (and history) in the minds of its people?   Or is our free will too strong for such blind obedience?  

    5. Is 1984 an actual possibility in human life?  In American life?

    6. Could the technologies of today make Big Brother possible?  How?  What would have to happen?

    7. Which dystopian novel do you think contains more plausibility and/or relevancy to our society and culture, 1984 or Brave New World (or maybe The Hunger Games)?  Why?

  1. EXTEND YOUR THINKING: Read The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism and/or “The Danger of American Fascism.” Explore which tendencies you could see getting out of hand in our own society.  Choose several characteristics from these readings that you see as having the potential to corrupt our democracy and explain how that might happen in America.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Tuesday, December 8th


  1. Keep working on your project drafts!

  2. Construct the bibliography for your project. Here are guidelines.

  3. Conference Sign-up

  4. HONORS: 1984 seminar on Thursday during class time.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Monday, December 7th

Starter 12.7: Write a focusing question that illuminates what you are struggling with that your peers may be able to give you suggestions or feedback about. 

Project Tune Protocol

  1. Starter: Write a focusing question that illuminates what you are struggling with that your peers may be able to give you suggestions or feedback about.

  2. Go to your assigned Google Meet

  3. Take turns sharing your work or the contents of your project proposal with your peers.

    1. Explain the rhetorical situation (THINK: triangle). 

      • Who is the audience? 

      • What is the message? 

      • How are you establishing credibility to speak on your topic?

    2. Share your focusing question (from the starter). Let your group know where you are stuck and what you might not have figured out yet.

  4. Peers ask questions and give feedback or suggestions. Essentially, have an organic, supportive conversation around the project that helps move each other forward. Address the focusing question as a group. Offer ideas to get each other unstuck!

  5. If you are in a group that has something else to debrief or talk about (ie. a joint interview or a potential collaboration), use this opportunity to do so!


  1. Keep working on your project drafts!

  2. Conference Sign-up

  3. HONORS: 1984 seminar on Thursday during class time. Tomorrow, we will have a brief check in in small groups about it.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Friday, December 4th

Change of Plans!

HEAR YE! I am making an executive call to save the project tune for Monday and extend the draft deadline through the weekend. I want to open up more time for conferences tomorrow and give you guys more time to get your projects in order before you share them. And since you all have me together on Monday, it also allows me to mix the critique groups across pods so we can mingle with people we haven't interfaced with in awhile. Note the changed deadline on the assignment is now December 7th before class.


  1. Now is the time to do cool projects!
  2. Get your interviews! You can record Google Meets and Zoom meetings! This is good for anyone who wants to have a record for their research and REALLY GOOD if you doing a podcast, a video, or some other multimedia project.
  3. If you DO turn in a draft today, you just may get the bonus of my written feedback!
  4. The way to get my feedback next week: SIGN UP FOR A CONFERENCE! We can look at your work together in a conference.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Thursday, December 3rd

Starter 12.3: Articulate the actual thesis of your project. (See Google Classroom)

HINT: This might be in your project proposal under message.


Alma’s Op-ed: “If we can flush out institutional racism and the terrible tendrils of America’s past through criminal justice reform and conversations about race, we will move towards eliminating the issue that caused the protests in the NFL. And then, Kaepernick and his fellow players will have a reason to stand.”

Acacia’s Satire: “I have faith that America will keep leading the world but in order to do so, we need to keep evolving. Sustainable energy is the way of the future. As a country, I think it’s time we realize that renewable energy is not only good for the economy and our planet, but it’s also good for the American people.”

Marlon Bundo: “Because it doesn’t matter if you love a girl bunny or a boy bunny, or eat your sandwich backward or forward. Stink bugs are temporary. Love is Forever.”


  • Keep working on your draft!  Be ready for a tune/critique tomorrow. It’s okay if all you have are your ideas! You should definitely have your project proposal done by the time of the tune.
  • Sign up for project conferences.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Tuesday, December 1st

Home stretch!


Starter: How are you feeling about your project right now? Where are you with everything and what are your next steps?


Today’s Goal: Integrate back into the project and make a plan to move forward!


What’s Left….



Draft Friday, December 4th for critique/tune

Project due next Friday, December 11th

Reflection and DP updates due Sunday, December 13th


HONORS: Keep reading! Seminar Thursday, December 10th



  1. FIRST, if you have not done so already, turn in your research notes and project proposals. TODAY!!! If you research notes still lack sources that you intend to interview, that is okay. You can add them later.

  2. THEN, begin to execute the project proposal!

  3. Need my help? Sign up for a conference! Need my feedback on your work? Sign up for a conference and let’s look at it! PROJECT CONFERENCE SIGN-UP