Change of Plans!
HEAR YE! I am making an executive call to save the project tune for Monday and extend the draft deadline through the weekend. I want to open up more time for conferences tomorrow and give you guys more time to get your projects in order before you share them. And since you all have me together on Monday, it also allows me to mix the critique groups across pods so we can mingle with people we haven't interfaced with in awhile. Note the changed deadline on the assignment is now December 7th before class.
- Now is the time to do cool projects!
- Get your interviews! You can record Google Meets and Zoom meetings! This is good for anyone who wants to have a record for their research and REALLY GOOD if you doing a podcast, a video, or some other multimedia project.
- If you DO turn in a draft today, you just may get the bonus of my written feedback!
- The way to get my feedback next week: SIGN UP FOR A CONFERENCE! We can look at your work together in a conference.