Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tuesday December 13


Cover letter CONTENT Critique (8:25)

Each group needs:
  1. At least 3 group members
  2. Tables pulled together
  3. Cover letters pulled up on laptops, copies of job descriptions, and scratch paper/pen(cils) for providing feedback

  1. Share your laptop with your cover letter on it and your job description with another member at your table.
  2. READ and PROVIDE FEEDBACK (10 minutes)
    1. Read the job description- note keywords and skills that are needed
    2. Read the cover letter once through without editing
    3. Read the cover letter again and comment on the CONTENT (comment on paper or add comments to the document)
  • Is the letter formatted correctly?
    • Dear Mr./Mrs. Last Name
    • Size 11 or 12 font, easy to read font
    • 3-4 paragraphs with intro, body and conclusion
    • Sincerely, Name at the end
  • What is the spicy opening sentence- does it grab you?
  • How many references to the specific job do you see
  • Where is the “proof” that they are an excellent candidate
  • Is the letter clear and easy to read?
  • Is there anything that should be cut or added?
  1. DISCUSS (5 minutes)
    1. Go over your comments with the person whose letter you read
    2. Talk to the person who read your letter about their comments
  2. REPEAT the process one more time with different cover letters

WORK TIME: Revise cover letter

Resume CONTENT Critique (10:10)

Each group needs:
  1. At least 3 group members
  2. Tables pulled together
  3. Resumes pulled up on laptops, copies of job descriptions, and scratch paper/pen(cils) for providing feedback

  1. Pass the resumes with their job descriptions to another member at your table
  2. READ and PROVIDE FEEDBACK (10 minutes)
  1. Read the job description, note keywords and skills that are needed
  2. Read the resume once through without comment
  3. Read the resume again and comment on the CONTENT
  • Are the bullets reserved for verbs that show skills?
  • Is everything described clearly?
  • Do any questions pop up?
  • Jot down any suggestions that you have
     3. DISCUSS (5 minutes)
  1. Go over your comments with the person whose resume you read
  2. Talk to the person who read your resume about their comments
     4. REPEAT the process one more time with different resumes

11:05-12:00 Interview Prep
Teacher prep: Load the following videos, prep projector and speakers

11:10 Review interview guidelines in student packets

11:30 Skits OR Work Time to Process/Brainstorm interview questions

12:45-1:30 Proofread Docs and Receive Transcripts and Grades

Cover letter and resume proofread:
  1. Create a group of at least three, share your refined cover letter and resume with another member at your table
  2. READ and ANNOTATE Cover Letter (5 minutes)
    1. Read the cover letter and comment on the SPELLING, GRAMMAR, and SYNTAX
  • Comment on errors that you discover
  • Jot down any suggestions that you have
  1. READ and ANNOTATE Resume (5 minutes)
    1. Read the resume and comment on the SPELLING, LAYOUT, ALIGNMENT, PARALLEL STRUCTURES and FORMATTING
  • Comment on any errors that you discover
  • Jot down any suggestions that you have
  1. REPEAT steps 2 and 3 with different resumes and cover letters

2:00-3:20 Mock Interviews

Mock Interview Practice
  1. In groups of three to four, take turns playing the following roles:
    1. Job Applicant
    2. 2-3 Interviewers
  2. Have the applicant give the interviewers their job description, cover letter and resume.
  3. Ask the applicant to step away for a moment while the interviewers glance at the documents for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Spend around 5-7 minutes interviewing the candidate.  Ask them questions from the provided list of interview questions. Feel free to throw some curve balls as long as they are relevant to this interview process. (Expect such curve balls in your POL interview.)
  5. After the interview, the interviewers should share their observations with the candidate.
  6. Rotate roles and repeat.

Observations: Does the candidate...
  • Use academic, appropriate language?
  • Speak clearly, with appropriate volume and pacing and avoid saying “um” or “like”?
  • Seem confident (mindful of eye contact, posture, fidgeting and intonation)?
  • Answer questions with in-depth responses and specific examples or anecdotes?
  • Seem authentic/genuine/honest?

Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday, December 12


Take Janae’s Resume Quiz, discuss answers

Work Time: Cover letters and Resumes!

3:00: Exit Tickets!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thursday, December 8

You guys rock!  #lovemyjob #hopefordemocracy


Debrief exhibition/Feedback circle

DP updates
1. Create a DP post with the title "Deconstructing America: Rhetoric, Ideology and the Democratic experiment.   
2. Write a 1-2 paragraph summary of the project.  Here is project description if you want to review it.  DO NOT cut and paste the project description from my document.  Paraphrase it in your own words.
3. Add parts 1-5, clearly labeled and neatly arranged.  If your Part 4 is an art piece, photograph it.
Additional images related to the project (for flair)
Add a paragraph of reflection on exhibition and the seminar.

Your project documents (all)
Link to your updated DP
Honors:  Historical Analysis due Monday

POL Protocol
See Janae's email and read over description
Your homework for Monday is to locate a job description for a job you would be interested in and bring it with you.  See the guidelines in Janae's email for specifics.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

12/7 Exhibition Day!

"Willing to be Disturbed"

1. Can I read to you, mis pollitos?
2. As you listen, re-annotate with your news eyes of expertise,
3.  "Seminar Prep"

  • Where does "Willing to be Disturbed" hit you now that you have studied American politics in depth and weathered our most politically divided election season in the modern era? How can you and will you use your willingness to be disturbed in your future life?
  • How would you now answer the question:  "How can Americans of different political stripes work together to bridge the political divide and find common ground? AND/OR What can we do to heal our political division?
  • Write one seminar question! (or more)

OK, let's flip this place!
Get yourself ready and help get the room ready!

Seminar Questions

Exhibition Schedule

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tuesday, December 6

Part 5 Read-around Critique:  Musical Chairs!
Open your reflection on your computer screen and set it to "Suggesting" 
1. Ask questions: what do you want to know more about?  (Should they expand on something?)
2. Mark places that are confusing or could benefit from streamlining for conciseness.
3. Correct surface errors.
4. Make general comments.

Exhibition Schedule


  • Get all pieces ready for exhibition.  Look at guidelines from yesterday. (See Nicole's flawless model!)
  • Start to clean up and prepare for exhibition.
  • Can I excuse you from X-Block tomorrow?
  • Who can stay until 8 and help fix Ashley's and Kyle's classrooms up for school on Thursday?

Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday, December 5


TO-DO today and tomorrow
1. Finalize Parts 1-5 with refinements

2. Title overall project and each section

Overall title can be your yes/no question or something that frames your issue nicely
Part 1:  Personal Connections
Part 2:  Title that alludes to the bias
Part 3:  Title that alludes to the bias
Part 5:  Reflection

  • To Fund or Not to Fund?  Should the federal government support Planned Parenthood?
  • Part 1:  Personal Connections
  • Part 2:  Fund Planned Parenthood to Support Women's Health
  • Part 3:  Abortion Clinics should not get Federal Funding
  • Part 5:  Reflection

3. Print out the title of your project and make a title card with your question and your name

4. Print out Parts 1-3 and mount to construction paper.  Print Part 5 and mount separately.

5.  Set up mine and Kyle's room for exhibition.  How do we want to do this?  What layout ideas do you have?

  • Who can help with set-up after school on Wednesday?  (a little extra credit involved)
6.   We need signage!  A poster that we can use in the parking lot and one we can put in the hall.  As well, we need a sign for the seminar to indicate what is happening in Ashley's room.

7.  I am doing the schedule today and tomorrow so please communicate with me if you have any special requests

Critique during the last half hour of class.  
If you have not written your reflection, do that first today!

Part 5: Reflection-  Use the following questions to guide you (500-750, Words , First Person)

  • Now that you have looked at both sides more deeply, how and why has your perspective shifted?  
  • What do you now understand about your own values that you didn’t before?
  • What do you understand about the “other side’s” values that you didn’t before?
  • What have you learned about democracy after completing this project?
  • How have your political views changed as a result of this project?

Part 5 Read-around Critique:  Musical Chairs!
Open your reflection on your computer screen and set it to "Suggesting" 
1. Ask questions: what do you want to know more about?  (Should they expand on something?)
2. Mark places that are confusing or could benefit from streamlining for conciseness.
3. Correct surface errors.
4. Make general comments.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Friday, December 2

Starter:  1984 Part One Survey

Project Work!
Exhibition is coming! Exhibition is coming!

Exhibition Planners: Let's check in!

Exit Ticket:  Email or scratch paper
1.  Where are you in your progress?  
2.  What might you need to do this weekend to set yourself up for exhibition readiness?
(Write your own answer down in your planner!)
3.  What might you need from Jessica?

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thursday, December 1

Exhibition details:
Wednesday 530-730 (Freshpeople start at 5:00)
Two rooms, one with seminar ("Willing to be Disturbed")
Seminar idea
Required docs
Your ideas?
PR team?  Not too late to get involved!  Mini-meetings during class tomorrow


1. Gallery Walk
On the whiteboard, write a focusing question or an area of struggle. If your project is just an idea or needs elaboration, please include a description on the whiteboard as well. Leave your project draft/sketch next to the white board.

Walk around and peruse your peers' projects. On post-its, write
1. questions that you have about the project and/or
2. suggestions and ideas on where to take it and/or
3. answer the focusing question

2. Project Tune
In groups of 3, follow the steps to “tune” each other’s’ project ideas.  
Step 1:  Presenter shares draft and project ideas. Explain to your group how you are hoping to appeal to your audience and the effect you are hoping to have.  Presenter should also share struggles and review the focusing question.
Step 2.  Group members ask clarifying questions to better understand the project idea and where the presenter wants to take it.
Step 3.  Group members ask probing questions that help the presenter think more deeply about their project and share ideas on how the project could be enhanced in terms of its rhetorical impact and its aesthetic approach.
Step 4.  Group has a discussion about the project, addressing the focusing question  and sharing ideas.  Include both warm and critical feedback. Presenter should take notes during this phase.
Step 5.  Presenter reflects out loud on what they heard during the tune and on any ideas/questions written on the post-it notes.

Rotate and Repeat!

Work Time
1. Essay Revisions
2. Parts 4 and 5 (Reflections will be displayed at exhibition as well)
3. 1984: Be through Part 1 by tomorrow
4. Honors essay