Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thursday, December 8

You guys rock!  #lovemyjob #hopefordemocracy


Debrief exhibition/Feedback circle

DP updates
1. Create a DP post with the title "Deconstructing America: Rhetoric, Ideology and the Democratic experiment.   
2. Write a 1-2 paragraph summary of the project.  Here is project description if you want to review it.  DO NOT cut and paste the project description from my document.  Paraphrase it in your own words.
3. Add parts 1-5, clearly labeled and neatly arranged.  If your Part 4 is an art piece, photograph it.
Additional images related to the project (for flair)
Add a paragraph of reflection on exhibition and the seminar.

Your project documents (all)
Link to your updated DP
Honors:  Historical Analysis due Monday

POL Protocol
See Janae's email and read over description
Your homework for Monday is to locate a job description for a job you would be interested in and bring it with you.  See the guidelines in Janae's email for specifics.