Friday, March 9, 2012

Project Wrap

Project Reflection:  due to me electronically by midnight Sunday (3-11)

After studying your intervention in-depth and learning about others from your peers, what is your overall take-away from this project?  Write a reflection that explores how studying US military interventions has affected your own ideology and perception of America's position in the world.  This reflection is pretty open-ended.  You may relate it to the concepts we have studied in US History and/or current global politics.  Please feel free to get very rhetorical in this reflection!  Use the appropriate appeals to describe your ideological opinions.  

Sign out a copy of Cat's Cradle.  Your assignment over the period of your internships is to read the novel and prepare for a seminar when you return.  When you finish the book, please get on Edmodo and post your ideas and interpretations of the novel's many ideological layers.  Engage with the ideas and interpretations of your peers.  Be prepared to be assessed on the novel on Monday, April 2 when you return from internships.  The seminar will be Wednesday, April 4.

Me van a hacer demasiado falta!  Que les vaya super bien en las practicas!  Pura vida!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Starter 24:  Edmodo Self-assess and Feedback
In addition to giving yourself a grade, write a paragraph about your relationship with Edmodo.  Be honest and reflective.  Write an additional paragraph to include feedback about the use of Edmodo as a classroom institution.
I log on to Edmodo all the time to read and engage with my peers’ ideas.
I carry on intellectual conversations on Edmodo.  I regularly comment on my fellow classmates’ posts, and I have been doing so all semester.
I frequently post original ideas, food for thought, interesting links, etc. without being reminded to do so.  I have been doing so all semester.
I log on to Edmodo sometimes, especially when Jessica or a fellow student reminds me it exists.
I sometimes comment on my fellow classmates’ posts.
I sometimes post original ideas, food for thought, interesting links, etc, but not as frequently and consistently as some.
I have been posting on Edmodo lately since I was reminded that we had to self-assess.
I rarely post to Edmodo. 
How do I log on to Edmodo?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Starter 22:  Brainstorm the contents of your Powerpoint.
Make a bulleted list of main points  --OR--  "Outline" your slides

As you search for images for your presentation, save images to a folder and keep track of where you found them!

Iraq War revisions due tomorrow!
Sign up for Presentation date!
Powerpoint critique due Monday