Friday, March 2, 2012

Starter 24:  Edmodo Self-assess and Feedback
In addition to giving yourself a grade, write a paragraph about your relationship with Edmodo.  Be honest and reflective.  Write an additional paragraph to include feedback about the use of Edmodo as a classroom institution.
I log on to Edmodo all the time to read and engage with my peers’ ideas.
I carry on intellectual conversations on Edmodo.  I regularly comment on my fellow classmates’ posts, and I have been doing so all semester.
I frequently post original ideas, food for thought, interesting links, etc. without being reminded to do so.  I have been doing so all semester.
I log on to Edmodo sometimes, especially when Jessica or a fellow student reminds me it exists.
I sometimes comment on my fellow classmates’ posts.
I sometimes post original ideas, food for thought, interesting links, etc, but not as frequently and consistently as some.
I have been posting on Edmodo lately since I was reminded that we had to self-assess.
I rarely post to Edmodo. 
How do I log on to Edmodo?