Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Tuesday, October 31

Starter 10.31 (on whiteboards):  What are your struggles right now with this project?  What do you feel like you need the most feedback on?  Write a focusing question for your critique.

In groups of 3, follow the steps to “tune” each other’s’ project ideas.  
Step 1:  Presenter shares draft and/or project plans.  Discuss your plans for both your written argument and your visual. Presenter should also share struggles and a focusing question on which the group should center the tune.  
Step 2.  Group members ask questions to better understand the project idea and where the presenter wants to take it.
  • How are you appealing to the values of the other side?
  • How are you establishing common ground?
  • What solution or resolution are you proposing?
  • How are you using pathos/ethos/logos?
  • How will your visual engage your audience?
  • Other questions?
Step 3.  Group has a discussion about the project, addressing the focusing question and sharing ideas.  Presenter should take notes during this phase.
Step 4.  Rotate and repeat

Project Magic!!!

If you have not turned in Parts 1 and 2 (Personal Essay and Research Notes), they are currently late. Please do so immediately!

Draft Part 3 to me for feedback by Thursday at midnight (or sooner!) annotated with Self-Critique

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Thursday, October 26

The Open Letter:  Rhetoric is a response and invites a response

Starter 10.26:  Answer the following questions in your comp book
  1. Why does MLK use an open letter instead of outlining his justification in a different way (such as a manifesto or a speech)?
  2. Where does he make a special effort to establish common ground?
  3. In your opinion, does he succeed?  Do you believe this letter would be effective for his audience?

DRAFT/PLAN due on Tuesday for Critique!
DRAFT for my feedback:  11:59 on Thursday, November 2

This is one of the few times where I would probably say you guys have a bit of homework this weekend;)

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wednesday, October 25

Starter 10.25:  Read this op-ed.
Use the rubric to mark the example with the elements of Rogerian argumentation and Aristotelian appeals.
  • How does the author employ Rogerian strategy? 
  • What is her "thesis"?  Where does it occur? 
  • Identify logos, pathos, and ethos at play in her Op-ed.

Research tip:  
Have you tried searching "Op-ed your topic"?  Major newspapers’ opinion sections are a wealth of ideological biased argumentation! If you need help finding sources, let me know!  

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tuesday, October 24

Starter 10.24 (verbal together):  Obama’s remarks on NFL protests
How does he frame the issue as a common or shared concern?
How does he recognize the values and concerns of the side that do not empathize with Kaepernick?
How does he reinforce his view that Kaepernick should be allowed to express himself this way?
How does he suggest we move forward?
How can Rogerian rhetoric be more effective in convincing an audience than other more argumentative strategies?
****Interesting ethos on this topic:  IT WAS AN OFFENDED VETERAN WHO SAT DOWN WITH KAEPERNICK--in the spirit of compromise--to help him change his strategy from sitting to kneeling.  Why does this matter???

For the rubric-oriented among us:  

Plan Argument

Conference with Me?

Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday, October 23

Starter 10.23:  The Oatmeal “ Believe” (WARNING: Young adult self required to read this. Some mature language)
If this is the case (the backfire effect and our stubborn amygdalas), why is it still important to do the work that we are doing?
ZOOM OUT:  Why are we doing this project?


Keep your project in your mind as you do research!

Part 2 Research Notes and Empathy Interviews: done by Friday, October 27
Part 3 Draft/Plan for Peer Critique: Tuesday, October 31 (start of class)
Part 3 Draft to Jessica for Feedback:  Thursday, November 2 (by midnight)
Project Final: November 9 Fort Lewis College Student Union

Friday, October 20, 2017

Friday, October 20

Starter 10.20:  What insights did you gain from yesterday’s panel?  What new insights do you have about liberal thought that you didn’t have before?

What observations do we have about the panel experiences this week?
What did we learn?
What new insights do you have about conservative and liberal thought?

Extension on Personal Essay (You’re welcome!) until Sunday 8:00 AM
If you are finished with Part 1, work on research and preparing for your empathy interview
Research Notes Template and Interview Guidelines

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Wednesday, October 18

Starter 10.18:  What insights did you gain from yesterday’s panel?  What new insights do you have about conservative thought that you didn’t have before?

Student Led Conferences!
SLC’s are TODAY!  The format is an empathy interview with your parents:)  Preview the SLC here.  

Personal Essay (due Friday)

Empathy Interviews and Research (click here for notes template)

Monday, October 16, 2017

Monday, October 16

Starter (on scratch paper):  
What is your project topic?
Frame your project topic as a two-sided (yes or no) question.
What is your perspective/bias on this topic?
Who might you interview that believes differently than you do?  (Please indicate if you have no one in mind and might need my help in lining up an interview.)

Thursday, November 9, 5:30-7:30 (Be there at 5)
Fort Lewis College Student Union
Lobby: Project Display
La Plata Room: Socratic Seminar

Personal Essay (due Friday)
Conservative and Liberal Panels (Tuesday and Thursday)
Empathy Interviews and Research (click here for notes template)


2. In partners or small groups:  Brainstorm questions for panels and empathy interviews
Make a T-chart.  Add your questions to our shared doc when finished.

Questions for Liberals
Questions for Conservatives

3. Individually:  Brainstorm questions for your own empathy interviews.  Show me your list for feedback!

Student Led Conferences!
Speaking of empathy interviews, SLC’s are Wednesday!  The format is an empathy interview with your parents:)  Preview the SLC here.  Here is the Parent Link Agreement. We will talk more about this tomorrow and Wednesday.  If you are not signed up for an SLC, rectify that ASAP!  Steve is in charge of the master schedule if you have questions.

Personal Essay (due Friday)
Empathy Interviews and Research (click here for notes template)

Topic Choice: Monday, October 16
Part 1 Personal Connection Narrative: Friday, October 20
Part 2 Research Notes and Empathy Interviews: done by Friday, October 27
Part 3 Draft for Peer Critique: Tuesday, October 30 (start of class)
Part 3 Draft to Jessica for Feedback:  Thursday, November 2 (by midnight)

Project Final: November 9 Fort Lewis College Student Union

Friday, October 13, 2017

Friday, October 13

No starter!  Announcement from STAC, Student ID’s
Review and share with me:  Where do the parties stand on the issues?

ACTIVITY: What would a liberal/conservative say about _______________?
  • Line-up in two even lines (one liberal, one conservative).  You shouldn’t necessarily be in the line that you yourself agree with (although many of you will be).
  • Review issues from T-chart, taking turns making points and counterpoints on each issue.
  • What are the moral frameworks driving the viewpoint
  • What questions do we have?

Work Time
  1. CHOOSE TOPIC!!!  (By Monday at the latest)
  2. Begin Part 1: Personal Narrative (due next Friday)

Topic Choice: Monday, October 16
Part 1 Personal Connection Narrative: Friday, October 20
Part 2 Research Notes and Empathy Interviews: done by Friday, October 27
Part 3 Draft for Peer Critique: Tuesday, October 30 (start of class)
Part 3 Draft to Jessica for Feedback:  Thursday, November 2 (by midnight)
Project Final: November 9 (exhibition tentative date)

Topic Choice:  Framing the Binary, Choosing Sides

In the spirit of deconstruction, we will work with two-sided issues that appear to be in binary opposition; (in order to find shades of gray, you must first start with black and white).  You may choose one of the yes/no controversial questions from the procon.org website, from Intelligence Squared debates, or you may choose your own “left v. right” issue--with my approval--that you glean from the political climate. Your main issue must be framed as a binary (yes/no question) and involve a clash of ideology or value systems (ie. differing assumptions about what America means and/or what is best for her).
Part 1 – Your connection to the topic. (PERSONAL ESSAY: 750ish Words)
Thesis Generator: How have you come to hold your opinion on your topic? What people have you known or life experiences have you had that have shaped your perspective on your topic? What values and American ideals underlie your perspective on the topic?
    • You do not need outside sources for this section unless you have already been personally shaped by one.  Your evidence should come from your personal experience.
    • Be creative and narrative with this part!

Read through the Rubric and Student Models for Part 1 to get a sense of what this assignment can look like.  Please bring your own personal voice to this portion of the project!  

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Tuesday October 10

Starter 10.10:  Knowing what you know about liberals and conservatives, what do you think are the moral values driving each side of the political aisle?

The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives (TED Talk, Jonathan Haidt 2008)
  • During the talk, jot down 3-5 interesting insights, quotes, questions, or new ideas that make you think.

Work in groups to answer the following.  Be prepared to share your group’s thoughts with the whole class.
  1. Share the thoughts that you wrote down during the talk with each other.
  2. What questions/confusions did you have?
  3. What is the advice that Haidt gives us at the end of his talk that is applicable to the project?
  4. How do we see Haidt’s ideas about the moral values manifest on both sides of the issues?  Use the frameworks (harm/care, fairness/reciprocity, in-group/loyalty, authority/respect, purity/sanctity) and any other ideas from the talk to explain the issue through the lens of moral psychology.  
    • Group 1:  Immigration
    • Group 2:  Same-Sex Marriage (and/or religious liberty)
    • Group 3:  Criminal Justice
    • Group 4:  Gun control/Gun rights
    • Group 5:  Foreign policy/National Security

Journal 10.10:  How can this knowledge help us better understand people who are ideologically different than we are?  How could it help us find compromise in US politics?

Where do the parties stand? (due Friday)
Choose your topic!  Brainstorm Part 1 (see project description, page 2).  Topic Brainstorm

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Monday, October 9

Starter (in pairs, on the whiteboards):   What does it mean to be liberal in America?  What does it mean to be conservative?  Establish some basic definitions or draw a T-chart describing the ideology of each.  (Don’t get bogged down in specific issues, but rather try to DEFINE each to the best of your ability.)


MINI-LESSON:  The Political Compass

ACTIVITY:  Political Compass Quiz:  As you work through the quiz, ask me clarifying questions!!!
Journal 10.9:  How did adding the four quadrants add to your understanding of your own political ideology? Did you find anything surprising or did it confirm what you already knew about your political identity?  Explain.

How did the quiz add to your understanding of American politics?  Explain.


  • Where do the Parties Stand on the Issues?
  • Think about your topic? Here is the brainstorm we compiled on Friday. If you have ideas to add, put them in the comments and I will add them.
  • Jessica needs an exhibition consult! Anyone have a few minutes to chat about the vision for exhibition?