Friday, October 6, 2017

Friday, October 6

Where do you stand ideologically?  

Starter/Journal 10.6:  Where do you believe you are on the American political spectrum?  Where do you think your political ideology comes from?  What values is it rooted in?

Brainstorm in pairs: What are some topics/political issues that you could study for this project?  (REVIEW “Topic Choice: Framing the Binary, Choosing Sides” on your project description)  The website might be helpful to check out at this point.  You don’t have to choose your topic until next week, but let’s get a good list started!  (Does someone want to scribe our brainstorm and send it to me?)

Take the quiz and explore the I Side With website.
Click on “Other Stances” for more nuanced results
After Quiz:  Add to your starter/journal.  What were your results?  Did you learn anything new about your own ideology?

Where do the parties stand on the issues?
Make a copy of this document, or ask for a hard copy.  Try to fill out the T-chart to the best of your ability.  Work in groups if you like, but keep your own notes.  Due next Friday, October 13.  

Seminar Reflection due Monday
Work on Where do the parties stand on the issues?