Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tuesday, October 24

Starter 10.24 (verbal together):  Obama’s remarks on NFL protests
How does he frame the issue as a common or shared concern?
How does he recognize the values and concerns of the side that do not empathize with Kaepernick?
How does he reinforce his view that Kaepernick should be allowed to express himself this way?
How does he suggest we move forward?
How can Rogerian rhetoric be more effective in convincing an audience than other more argumentative strategies?
****Interesting ethos on this topic:  IT WAS AN OFFENDED VETERAN WHO SAT DOWN WITH KAEPERNICK--in the spirit of compromise--to help him change his strategy from sitting to kneeling.  Why does this matter???

For the rubric-oriented among us:  

Plan Argument

Conference with Me?