Thursday, October 5, 2017

Thursday, October 5

Starter 10.5:  America loves Satire!!! Watch this video and respond:  What liberal and conservative perspectives are being spoofed in this video?  Give at least one example of each and explain the perspective that is being satirized.

The Questions
What do liberals believe/value?
What do conservatives believe/value?

Let’s revisit the bigger picture:  PROJECT DESCRIPTION
  • Exhibition:  The vision can belong to all of us!
  • What questions do we have?

Brainstorm in pairs: What are some topics/political issues that you could study for this project?  (REVIEW “Topic Choice: Framing the Binary, Choosing Sides”)  You don’t have to choose yours until next week, but let’s get a good list started!

1. Finish Quiz
2. Work on Seminar Reflection
3. If you are finished with both, begin tomorrow’s assignment. (BELOW)

Where do the parties stand on the issues?

Make a copy of this document, or ask for a hard copy.  Try to fill out the T-chart to the best of your ability.  Work in groups if you like, but keep your own notes.  Due Wednesday, October 11.  We will have some work time for this tomorrow and Monday as well.