Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday, December 5


TO-DO today and tomorrow
1. Finalize Parts 1-5 with refinements

2. Title overall project and each section

Overall title can be your yes/no question or something that frames your issue nicely
Part 1:  Personal Connections
Part 2:  Title that alludes to the bias
Part 3:  Title that alludes to the bias
Part 5:  Reflection

  • To Fund or Not to Fund?  Should the federal government support Planned Parenthood?
  • Part 1:  Personal Connections
  • Part 2:  Fund Planned Parenthood to Support Women's Health
  • Part 3:  Abortion Clinics should not get Federal Funding
  • Part 5:  Reflection

3. Print out the title of your project and make a title card with your question and your name

4. Print out Parts 1-3 and mount to construction paper.  Print Part 5 and mount separately.

5.  Set up mine and Kyle's room for exhibition.  How do we want to do this?  What layout ideas do you have?

  • Who can help with set-up after school on Wednesday?  (a little extra credit involved)
6.   We need signage!  A poster that we can use in the parking lot and one we can put in the hall.  As well, we need a sign for the seminar to indicate what is happening in Ashley's room.

7.  I am doing the schedule today and tomorrow so please communicate with me if you have any special requests

Critique during the last half hour of class.  
If you have not written your reflection, do that first today!

Part 5: Reflection-  Use the following questions to guide you (500-750, Words , First Person)

  • Now that you have looked at both sides more deeply, how and why has your perspective shifted?  
  • What do you now understand about your own values that you didn’t before?
  • What do you understand about the “other side’s” values that you didn’t before?
  • What have you learned about democracy after completing this project?
  • How have your political views changed as a result of this project?

Part 5 Read-around Critique:  Musical Chairs!
Open your reflection on your computer screen and set it to "Suggesting" 
1. Ask questions: what do you want to know more about?  (Should they expand on something?)
2. Mark places that are confusing or could benefit from streamlining for conciseness.
3. Correct surface errors.
4. Make general comments.