Wednesday, December 7, 2016

12/7 Exhibition Day!

"Willing to be Disturbed"

1. Can I read to you, mis pollitos?
2. As you listen, re-annotate with your news eyes of expertise,
3.  "Seminar Prep"

  • Where does "Willing to be Disturbed" hit you now that you have studied American politics in depth and weathered our most politically divided election season in the modern era? How can you and will you use your willingness to be disturbed in your future life?
  • How would you now answer the question:  "How can Americans of different political stripes work together to bridge the political divide and find common ground? AND/OR What can we do to heal our political division?
  • Write one seminar question! (or more)

OK, let's flip this place!
Get yourself ready and help get the room ready!

Seminar Questions

Exhibition Schedule