Monday, December 5, 2011

Exhibition prep/Project Reflection/DP update

Humanities Page:  

  • An image or piece of flair?
  • Course Description
  • What new perspectives do you have about America and/or her history after studying this semester's content?
  • Link to Humanities blog
  • Link to Narrative History Project

Project Link
1.  Post a picture of your project (if appropriate)
2.  Link the document
3.  Write a description/blurb to accompany your project on your DP.  For some of you, this may be your artist's statement.  For those of you with written pieces, write a brief summary of your story to post on your DP.
4.  Write a project reflection to accompany the links to your project on your DP.  The reflection should address some or all of the following questions:

  • How did you connect to this project?
  • What was difficult about this project?  How did you overcome these difficulties?
  • What did you learn from having to turn history into narrative?
Feel free to add additional commentary that goes beyond the scope of these questions.  You may design this reflection to best fit your purposes.  It should be authentic and specific to your individual project.