Tuesday, May 22, 2012

TPOL prep

1.  Resumes with Rachael!

2.  Letters of Recommendation

Samples letters by Becca Katz, college recommendation guru!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Weekend Homework

1.  DP update/Project Reflection

  • Take a picture of your project or upload jpg of poster.
  • Post artist statement along with image.
  • Write a reflection to accompany your project.  Describe the project and discuss your takeaways and /or personal connection to our rhetorical study of food.
  • Email me a copy of your reflection (I am grading this!).

2. Monday Potluck

  • Bring a food to share that is special or significant to you in some way.  On Monday, we will have a celebration, remembering that food is a wonderful, important part of our experience as humans!
3. BRING BACK ANY BOOKS YOU STILL HAVE:  the novels, Zinn, The Omnivore's Dilemma, and any books you have borrowed from me.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Exhibition Prep

1.  Send me your poster for printing! (.jpg or .psd)
2.  Send me your artist statement or print it yourself.  Back it with black construction paper!
3.  Listen to Leah and Hannah for set-up instructions!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Project Week Surveyhttps://sites.google.com/site/ospreyweek/

Edmodo Seminar Self-assess

Monday, May 14, 2012


Project Critique
1.  As a whole group, discuss each project verbally.

  • Articulate the message you are receiving as an audience member. 
  • Is the message clear? 
  • Is it rhetorically impactful?  
  • What is the tone?  
  • What improvements/refinements could the artist make?

2.  When you have finished the discussion of each visual piece, do a "read-around" critique of the artist statements (everyone should read/critique 2 statements).  For each, PROOFREAD the piece for errors AND annotate for the following:

  • Is the perspective articulated clearly and thoroughly?
  • Is the background info sufficient and appropriately related to the project?  What else would you want to know as an audience member?
  • Does the statement illuminate the visual piece, adding meaning and clarity to the message?
  • What could the artist add/subtract/refine/improve?

Edmodo Seminar Self-Assess
At some point today, send me an email that answers the questions:  Based on the rubric, what grade do you deserve on the Edmodo seminar and why?


Friday, May 11, 2012

Worky Worky...

Artist Statement Guidelines


Monday, May 7, 2012


1.  Finish The Omnivore's Dilemma (by Wednesday)
2.  Pro-industrial readings:  Read and Annotate
"Myths and Facts About Meat Production"
"Food Miles and Packaging:  A Contrarian View"
3.  Edmodo Seminar (See: rubric)
4.  Project Work
5. Conference w/Me

Compiled Food Brainstorm

Friday, May 4, 2012

Local Sustainable: Fresh

Starter 30:   How has reading about the distinct food systems in Parts 1-3 (or 1 and 2 for Honors) affected you as an eater?  Does learning about this topic in depth make you want to change anything about your eating habits?

Homework:  Read Part 4 (Part 3 for Honors) of The Omnivore's Dilemma.  Due Tuesday.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Visual Rhetoric


Group project brainstorm:

Food Perspective
How could you represent it symbolically?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Rhetoric of Industrial Organic

Starter 29a:  Discuss your relationship with "organic" and "natural" foods (or your perception/attitude).

The Rhetoric of Industrial Organic

29b:   Is it worth the extra cost and effort to eat organic? Why?/Why not?

Honors 10-14
YR  12-17 (Part 2)
By Friday!