Think of some song lyrics that express some sort of personal philosophy. What does the voice in the song believe? How do the lyrics communicate, or fail to communicate, the emotional weight of the belief? Are some
beliefs harder to express or personalize than others? Why?
In pairs: Jotting down as many as you can think of in five minutes, make a list of things people believe.
Consider personal, political, social, spiritual/religious.
Brainstorm together on the board.
What makes for a strong statement of belief?
In your journal, brainstorm 5 of the most formative moments in your life thus far and what you learned from each. Here are mine.
In pairs: Jotting down as many as you can think of in five minutes, make a list of things people believe.
Consider personal, political, social, spiritual/religious.
Brainstorm together on the board.
What makes for a strong statement of belief?
In your journal, brainstorm 5 of the most formative moments in your life thus far and what you learned from each. Here are mine.
Advice: If you are having trouble narrowing down which belief/experience you want to focus on, try drafting several, and then decide which you feel the most strongly about.
Credo Writing (Due Tomorrow!!)
Explore "This I Believe"
Brainstorm Essay