1. Check SLC schedule. Check your grades and answer the following starter. You may want to brainstorm on a separate sheet and then cut and paste it into your starter.
2. Peer critique/analysis due by the end of the hour. Turn in a copy to me and a copy to the person whose draft you critiqued. If you were absent, check in with me about a make-up critique.
- Honors : Get your project ready. Put together your docuentation binder. Make a "tent" with your research question.
- Critique due at the end of the hour
- SLC Prep
- Revise narrative
- LINK work
HONORS Documentation Binder Contents
1. Cover Page: Name, Project Title, Research Question
2. Research Synthesis (1000-1500 words)
3. Responses to five sources (at least one primary, one secondary, one creative, plus two others)
4. Historical Thinking Skills Chart (2)
5. Bibliography
1. Cover Page: Name, Project Title, Research Question
2. Research Synthesis (1000-1500 words)
3. Responses to five sources (at least one primary, one secondary, one creative, plus two others)
4. Historical Thinking Skills Chart (2)
5. Bibliography