Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Critique Protocol
1. On the top of your draft, write a focusing question for your peers to address as they critique.  (Think:  What do you want them to look for?  What are you struggling with most?)
2.  Look at the "content" section of the rubric.  On the the top of your drafts, please jot down which two content areas that you need to work on most.
3. Do a three way exchange.  Critiquers, give feedback to the draft in the margins (use the "review" and "track changes" functions for electronic documents.  Focus on the two content areas and the focusing question.
4.  When everyone is done, discuss your feedback and clarify any confusion.

Narrative History Online Exhibition
Thank you to Tatum and Nolan for designing a website to exhibit our narrative history project!  Everyone will need to submit their narratives by the end of this week so that they can put them on our website.
1.  Please submit your narrative, your reflection, and some sort of visual piece to
2.  Please format like this model as a Google doc.   The narrative and the reflection should be on the same document, and should have 14 font bolded titles:  "INSERT STORY TITLE HERE" and "Reflection." The rest of the writing should be in 12 font and not bold. 
3.  Submit any associated images along with the narrative.  If your whole project is image-based, please upload your images into Google docs and share with Tatum. If your project has auditory elements, upload the the files into Google and share them.  Google doc should then say "Artist Statement" and "Reflection.  
4.  Submitting this by Friday will be worth a completion grade of 10 points.
5.  Thanks Tatum and Nolan!!