Thursday, May 22, 2014

My books???

Letter of Recommendation Peer Critique
Step 1: Read the draft once without edits
Step 2: Re-read to edit and answer the below questions in a separate Google document. Share your answers to these questions with the author AND Jessica.
Step 3:  After editing, both editors share their feedback together with the author.
a.       Is the letter formatted correctly?
                                                               i.      Size 12 font, date, To Whom it May Concern:, 3-4 paragraphs, Sincerely, Name
b.      Does the letter have an intro, body, conclusion?
c.       Does the opening paragraph meet the requirements as described on page 3 of the TPOL prep packet?
d.      Do the body paragraphs clearly and articulately highlight how the candidate would be an asset to the college to which they are applying?
e.      Are there any spelling errors? If so, circle them.
f.        Are there any grammar errors? If so, circle them.
g.       Does the letter seem sincere and authentic?
h.      Is there anything you think should be cut or added?

Mock Interview practice: Groups of 3, use the sample questions from the packet.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Let's try this again....
Starter:  With a partner, brainstorm a list of possible ways one could be perceived as talented (make the list relevant to what one would write about in a letter of recommendation).  Write 5-6 examples of the front board.

TED TALK INSPIRATION:  The Power of Introverts


  • Revise Resume (see resources below)
  • Write Letter (draft Thursday)
  • Prepare answers to Interview Questions

Creating the College Resume Resources

Sample Resumes & Templates

Monday, May 19, 2014

Starter:  Sir Ken Robinson's TED talk 

While watching:

-           Write down a quote that stands out to you from his talk (share with partner afterwards).
-          What does he think our 2nd climate crisis is?
-          What does he mean by “disenthrall” and what does he think we need to disenthrall ourselves from? 

-          What is our society’s linear narrative in education and what does Robinson have to say about the reality of that narrative? Do you agree with him?

After watching

  • With a partner, write down as many different ways one can be talented as you can think of from musical to artistic to writing, science, communicating, humor, solving conflict, think outside the box!  Add your list to the class google doc.
  • Discuss Key take-aways from the talk that might help you write your letter of rec or help you in planning your next step beyond Animas.


  • Understand the expectations of the "College Interview" TPOL.
  • Revise resume with updates (LINK!)
  • Begin writing letter of recommendation for yourself from the perspective of a teacher. (Draft due Thursday for critique!)

Friday, May 16, 2014

TPOL materials:  Look over the materials in this folder over the weekend.

DP Update/Reflection due TODAY!

Food, Inc.:  What are the connections between the messages of this film and the Energy and Place Project?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

REFLECTION AND DP UPDATE:  DUE Friday, May 16 at the end of class!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

My beloved students-
I stayed home with a sickie Luca today.  I am sorry I am not there to conference, but I have absolute faith in your ability to pull off pre-exhibition magic.  Don't forget that the draft of your writing is due at midnight, complete with abstract, title, name, and correct formatting.  Bring a printed version to class tomorrow.  If it is difficult for you to print, let me know in the email, and I will print yours tomorrow morning.  Tomorrow we will be getting everything ready for exhibition, so your art piece and artist statement should be finished for class tomorrow as well.  If you need me today or have questions, I will be checking my email frequently.

Here is an example of a correctly formatted essay.

  • Notice that the title is centered, bold, and 14 point.  
  • Everything else should be in a 12 point standard font.  
  • Name under the title.
  • Put your abstract on top, and bold the word "abstract." 
  • See yesterday's post (scroll down) for a description of what should be in the abstract.

Your artist statement will be printed out separately and mounted to construction paper as well.  If you need to review what should be in the artist statement, see the Sense of Place Visual Piece assignment/rubric.

If you haven't sent your narrative project to Tatum, YOU MUST DO SO TODAY.

Have a great day, everyone!  See you tomorrow for a fun-filled exhibition experience!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Starter:  What do you need to do to be ready for exhibition by 5:30 on Wednesday?  For exhibition, you will need a revised, polished, formatted essay with an abstract, a visual piece, and an artist statement.
Answer these prompts:
  • What are the tasks you need to do? Be specific.
  • How much time will each task take you?  Total this time.
  • Prioritize these tasks by ranking them in order of importance (#1 most important to least important)
  • Show your starter to a friend, tell them what you have in mind for the tasks and ask them if the time allotments look realistic

Odds and Ends
Do you guys want to have a food party on Thursday?
Friday:  The Omnivore's Dilemma Honors Seminar

Art piece!
Write abstract
Abstract:Your essay must include an abstract that explains how you are defining sense of place according to the categories of sense of place (what type of relationship and/or community attachment do you show in the essay) and what your environmental ethic is.  Your abstract should include a quote from your essay that best shows  both of these components. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Mini-critique of visual
In groups of 2 or 3, share your visual projects (or project ideas).  Have organic conversations that help each other refine the project/ideas.  Here is the rubric for reference.

1.  By the end of class today, submit a COMPLETE draft.  (10 points for being on time)
2.  At the top of the draft, write me a mini cover letter.  Answer the following questions:

  • What is strong about your draft? What are you happy with so far?
  • What are you struggling with?  What would you like me to focus on when I give feedback?
  • Do you have questions?

3.  Cut and paste the rubric into your draft at the bottom.  Highlight the two categories that you think you need to work on most.

HAVE a MOST WONDERFUL OSPREY WEEK!  I will get your feedback to you by next Friday, so be sure to check your email next weekend to begin revising.  Work on your visual piece over Osprey Week if necessary!