1. CLEAN!!
2. Turn in all my books and materials!
3. Take: Marcus' survey on senior electives if you didn't do so yesterday.
1. Self-assess Sense of Place essay with rubric. Have revisions you want to make? Go for it! Turn in FINAL version electronically along with rubric.
2. DP update for NAS project
- Brief project description
- Written analysis (either annotated or essay form)
- Image(s)
- 2-3 paragraph reflection (see below) that addresses the following:
Native American Studies Reflection: Explain your personal process with this assignment. How did learning about these topics impact you personally. What enduring understandings about the essential questions did you come away from the project with?
1. How do the historical experiences and ideologies of America’s indigenous tribes impact their contemporary identity?
2. How can an examination of multiple sources and perspectives lead to a more enlightened understanding of history AND contemporary social, cultural and political realities?
3. Where do history and creative expression intersect to reveal the human experience?
3. TPOL preview! Begin working on the required materials?
- Update resume
- Letter of Rec from the perspective of a teacher
- Rubric
4. Work on Action project? This is a great day to make a game plan with your group. Final documentation due May 21 at the beginning of class!
5. Check powerschool and make sure you have everything in to me TODAY!!!
6. Honors: Their Eyes Were Watching God seminar 3rd period!
Revised plan for finishing Honors Book Club:
- Seminar reflection OR 5-paragraph literary analysis (RUBRIC)
- Choice Project Optional! If you did not turn in a choice project for Monkey Wrench Gang, you have the option of doing one for TEWWG OR The MWG.