Starter 9.15
Where do you find yourself on the issue of foreign policy? Do you tend to agree more with the ideology of President Bush and the authors of “Commit for the Long Run”? Or do you seem more swayed by Dr. Grossman’s claims? Are you somewhere in the middle?
Review Readings: What is the bias of each? What recommendations do they make?
FOUR CORNERS: US Foreign Policy
FOUR CORNERS: US Foreign Policy
1. The United States military is the best in the world.
2. It is the US military’s duty to enforce world law.
3. The US military is always on the just side of conflicts.
4. Citizens should have a say in whether or not a country goes to war.
5. War can be a good thing.
6. When a foreign people is being governed by a leader that commits human rights violations, the United States should intervene to overthrow that leader.
7. The benefits of a just war are worth the costs.
What do you know about the conflict in Israel/Palestine?
Crash Course: Israel/Palestine conflict
Rafeef Ziadah: We teach life, sir.
How does this video expand your understanding of what is happening in Israel and Palestine?
Why is Rafeef' Ziadah's perspective important?
Read Willing to be Disturbed for tomorrow’s spirit read
Honors: Read Chapter 5 “A Kind of Revolution”
- Many historians argue that the US Constitution creates a neutral, level playing field on which contestants prove their worth (that inequality in wealth is not due to unfair rules but to unequal abilities). For what reasons does Zinn disagree with this interpretation?
- Why were the Founders worried about “factions”? What are examples in American history or in the current political system where factions have banded together to challenge the status quo? Have the Founders concerns played out?
- Zinn’s economic bias is very strong in this chapter. What is the other side of this story? How else can the story of the Constitution be spun?
- Come up with some questions that you would ask the Founding Fathers. (James Madison is coming Tuesday! Perhaps you can ask him.)