Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tuesday, October 11

This Week's Questions:

  • What is racism and how does it play out in today's society?
  • Is racism natural?
  • How might it end?

1. Starter 10.11:  Reflect on your experience yesterday on the field trip.  What are some things you learned and/or felt during the course of the day?  How do you feel about the Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day issue?

2. Debrief Field Trip

3. Establish ground rules for our discussions on race

4.  Four Corners

  • In America, everyone has equal opportunity to lead a successful, happy life.
  • Social class is more relevant than race in determining someone’s likelihood of success.
  • In order to combat racism, we should all try to be colorblind.
  • Affirmative action is reverse discrimination
(Affirmative Action refers to a policy or program providing advantages for groups who have experienced historical discrimination with the aim of creating a more egalitarian society through preferential access to education, employment, health care, and social welfare.)

  • Seminar Monday!
  • Make a copy of the Google Doc.  This will be where you compile your thoughts of the week as seminar prep.
  • If you prefer a paper copy, I will print it for you, and you can attach additional papers as necessary.

7. Establish definitions for some terms key to our discussion on race.

8.  Reading: Josiah Strong (1885)
Fill in the space on the seminar prep packet under “Response to readings”

Honors:  Reminder to read this week's assigned reading if you have not done so already.