Sunday, November 6, 2016

Monday, November 7

Dear students:
Alas, I will miss you today, but I am confident in your ability to be industrious and do beautiful work.  At this point, you should have already turned in your research notes and be ready to draft Parts 2 and 3 of your I-Controversy.  I have decided to push the first critique back to Wednesday, November 9 to give you an extra day to work on the draft of Part 2.  You are welcome.

Exhibition Think Tank meeting tomorrow at lunch!

Today, please do the following:


Make a copy of the STUDENT SAMPLE ESSAY.  Read through Part 2 carefully and annotate according the following instructions.

  • Highlight what you believe to be the THESIS in yellow.
  • Highlight the TOPIC SENTENCE of each sentence in blue.
  • Highlight where you see concrete EVIDENCE in green.
  • Answer as a comment on the document: How does looking at this model help you get a sense of what you need to do in your own project?

If you have an outlining/planning system that works for you, by all means, use it!

Let your plans include the following:

  • What is your thesis?  How might you craft an engaging introduction that leads into it?
  • What claims will you make that support your thesis?  What will be the focus of each paragraph?  Craft topic sentences that capture the supporting claims for your thesis.
  • What evidence will you use to support the topic sentence in each paragraph?  (Are you missing evidence to support the claims?  Do you need to do more research?)
  • How will you connect your evidence to the topic sentence with your analysis?  (What does your evidence show?)

Here is an ESSAY OUTLINE TEMPLATE if it helps you.  Not required, but use it if you are so inclined.

3.  DRAFT PART 2!!!!!!!!  Be ready with a complete draft for critique on Wednesday.