Friday, April 14, 2017

Friday, April 14

Film Screening:  Fresh (2009)

Image result for fresh film 2009

Written Response:  
Synthesize Fresh and content of Part 3 of The Omnivore's Dilemma
1.  Write about a page (2-3 paragraphs), preferably typed.
2.  You should refer to evidence from both the film and the book in your response.
3. Answer one or more the following prompts in your response.  Feel free to mix!  (If you have a different angle you want to take, chat with me about it.)

a. Compare and contrast the paradigms (worldviews/ideological perspectives) behind the industrial system and sustainable systems.  How does each show a different "ethic," that is to say, a different kind of thinking about the human relationship with our food and the human relationship with the Earth?  USE EVIDENCE FROM BOOK AND FILM!!

b. Is the local sustainable movement elitist?  Is it reasonable to think that we can figure out to feed "the many" on sustainable agricultural?  What would have to happen for this to occur?  What policy changes would we need?  How would the paradigm need to change?  What we need to be willing to give up?  Is it even desirable? USE EVIDENCE FROM BOOK AND FILM

c.  Do you agree with the perspective of the book and movie in regards to the local sustainable food chain being more desirable than the industrial one?
  • If so, explain why and what changes you would like to see.  Include a discussion of how consumers can impact change at the policy level.  
  • If you don't agree, explain why you think the industrial chain is necessary or superior.  Refer to specifics in from the book and movie that you disagree with or find unrealistic. EVIDENCE!!!

Seminar Monday:  AM students go to Chem 3rd hour, to me 6th hour

EVERYONE: Finish The Omnivore's Dilemma (Part 4 for Monday!