Thursday, August 24, 2017

Thursday, August 24

Did you set up your digital comp book? (No worries if you haven't yet! See guidelines on yesterday's post)
Starters and Journals: always highlighted in blue and labeled by date. Please call them the same in your document!
RESOURCE: Digital Comp Book Table of Contents found under "Resources" link

STARTER 8.24 (In Digital Comp Book if you have it set up)
How would you classify your own political views? Liberal? Conservative? Other? Where did your political beliefs come from- How did you form the political views you currently hold? To what extent have you felt safe to share your political beliefs in school? Beyond?

Reading: "Willing to be Disturbed" (seminar reading #2)
  1. Mark lines that stand out
  2. Identify the main argument/thesis of this writing
  3. In what ways do you need to "be disturbed"? What ideas/beliefs/identities do you cling to that you could be challenged on?
  4. Why am I having you read this?

A Norm for Class Discussion:  Ouch and Oops

Charlottesville, VA (8/12/17) Case Study
  1. Define Key Terms:  White supremacy, Nationalist, Neo-nazis, Fascists, Anti-Fascists, Hate speech
  2. 4 Corners
  • Hate speech should be protected under the 1st Amendment
  • Statues of historical figures who have committed racist, illegal, immoral or inhumane acts, should be dismantled.
  • Reverse discrimination (racism against white people) occurs within our legal system and/or political system

Reading: The Seduction of Safety on Campuses and Beyond (Seminar reading #3)
****Before reading: define “Safe Space”

Work Time

Read and annotate reading #3 for tomorrow's seminar and work on to-do list for the week