Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thursday, November 29th

Starter (pair share):  What do you know about totalitarian/fascist regimes in human history and in the present?  What happens there (or doesn't happen there?) How do you think these regimes come to power and maintain that power?  How do you imagine the people living in these regimes feel about their government?

PAUSE:  Take a deep breath of beautiful democracy, kids!  The fact that we are having these critical learning experiences is a privilege.  Take it in.

Did you, too, O friend, suppose democracy was only for elections, for politics, and for a party name? I say democracy is only of use there that it may pass on and come to its flower and fruit in manners, in the highest forms of interaction between [people], and their beliefs -- in religion, literature, colleges and schools -- democracy in all public and private life...."
-Walt Whitman

Peer and Self Critique Protocols

In your groups, follow the steps to “tune” each other’s’ project ideas.  
Step 1:  Presenter shares draft and/or project plans.  Discuss your plans for both your written argument and your visual. Presenter should also share struggles and a focusing question on which the group should center the tune.  
Step 2.  Group members ask questions to better understand the project idea and where the presenter wants to take it.
  • How are you appealing to the values of the other side?
  • How are you establishing common ground?
  • What solution or resolution are you proposing?
  • How are you using pathos/ethos/logos?
  • How will your visual engage your audience?
  • Other questions?
Step 3.  Group has a discussion about the project, addressing the focusing question and sharing ideas.  Presenter should take notes during this phase.
Step 4.  Rotate and repeat

Annotate your draft.  Mark and answer the following.  Submit with Draft tonight by midnight with Self-Critique

1.  Highlight the place in the draft where you feel you have captured the thesis of your argument.  Using the comment function, label it SOLUTION or RESOLUTION or THESIS.  
2.  Mark 2-3 places in the draft where your research shows up.  In the comment field, explain how something in your research informed your rhetoric.  Specify which source if possible.
3. Mark a place in the draft where you are clearly addressing the values and/or best arguments of the other side.  
4. Label places where you have incorporated Aristotelian appeals (LOGOS/PATHOS/ETHOS).  Explain in the comments how and why you have chosen to incorporate them the way that you have.
5.  Answer the following in writing at the bottom of your draft:
a.  How are you attempting to establish common ground with  your audience?  
b.  How have you appealed to your audience’s values/beliefs/emotions?
c.  Comment on how the form, beauty, or force of your project impacts the rhetoric.  How does your genre allow you to achieve your goals?
1984 Audiobook online!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Wednesday, November 28th

Starter (PAIR SHARE):  What associations do you have with the phrase Big Brother?  What ideas does it bring up in your mind?

Image result for 1984 memes

Yay, literature!!!  We love reading great books!  

1. Project Magic!  This is when it comes together!
Draft due tomorrow for critique and to Jessica at midnight.
2. If you are in good place with your project, you could also read 1984 during this time.

Ways not to use your work time....
Monkey bars
Real Housewives marathon
Staring off into the void
Gymnastics practice
Being foolish
Being boring
Advocating for a fascist revolution (Sorry, Zac, not today)
Other ________? (Y'all know...)

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Tuesday, November 27th

Exhibition is next Thursday!

Let's re-orient ourselves toward the project!
Respond to these questions on the whiteboards.
1. What is rhetoric?
2. What is ideology?
3. What is a "Rogerian argument"?
4. What is "civil discourse"?
5. What are "democratic institutions"?
6. What is one reason we do this project?

As individuals, read over the rubric and fill out the associated paper.
1. When you read through this document, what thoughts and feelings do you have?
2. Where are you really on this project?
3. Next, I need to....
4. I am struggling with.....

Group share out
Each person should share the following info with your group....
1. What is your project?
-visual and written?
2. What do you need to make happen before exhibition?
TOGETHER: On a piece of paper, make a T-chart
On each side:
What would you like exhibition to be/have?
What would you not like to see at exhibition?

Thursday, November 29th, we will have a project critique session.  Please come with a complete draft of your project!  I will also ask you to resubmit your draft to me by midnight on Thursday to check on your progress.  (That said, I AM NOT GIVING FORMAL WRITTEN FEEDBACK TO THESE DRAFTS...unless I feel like it.)

1984 Reading and Seminar
As you read, work on the Seminar Coaching prep.
1984 Seminar will be December 13th.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Mon-Wed. November 12th-14th

Hello, my students!  This is the week where our projects come together!  Thanks for working diligently to make that happen!

Image result for meme you got this

Continue working on your projects!  Let's shoot for having a solid project by Friday as we depart for Thanksgiving Break.


1. Work on draft of Rogerian rhetoric.  EITHER:  Look at Jessica's feedback OR Finish up the draft of your argument and submit to Jessica for feedback.

2. Make a plan to try to finish this part of your project before Thanksgiving Break.
Think about how your project will be both visual and written.

3. Write interview questions and make a plan for an interview.

THE PROJECT:  Rogerian argument 
Outlining and Planning Your Project

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Thursday, November 8

(Please do this by the end of Thanksgiving Break!)
Try to incorporate your new NVC skills!

Sign the thank-you note for Rachel!  

Please turn a draft of your Rogerian argument tonight by midnight for my feedback!

Conference with me today?

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Wednesday, November 7th

NonViolent Communication Workshop: Welcome, Rachel!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Tuesday, November 6

It's Election Day! 

  • What does that mean?
  • What is being decided upon today?
  • What is the deal with the House and the Senate?
  • Why is the Colorado ballot so big?
  • What questions do we have?

Get me a draft by Thursday at midnight!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Thursday, November 1

Starter (on scratch paper)
  • Where are you in your project?
  • What are you struggling with?
  • Is there anything Jessica can do for you?

Outlining and Planning Your Project

DRAFT DUE of Rogerian Argument next Thursday, November 8th by midnight!

Let's Conference!

Exhibition Planning Meeting tomorrow?