Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Tuesday, November 27th

Exhibition is next Thursday!

Let's re-orient ourselves toward the project!
Respond to these questions on the whiteboards.
1. What is rhetoric?
2. What is ideology?
3. What is a "Rogerian argument"?
4. What is "civil discourse"?
5. What are "democratic institutions"?
6. What is one reason we do this project?

As individuals, read over the rubric and fill out the associated paper.
1. When you read through this document, what thoughts and feelings do you have?
2. Where are you really on this project?
3. Next, I need to....
4. I am struggling with.....

Group share out
Each person should share the following info with your group....
1. What is your project?
-visual and written?
2. What do you need to make happen before exhibition?
TOGETHER: On a piece of paper, make a T-chart
On each side:
What would you like exhibition to be/have?
What would you not like to see at exhibition?

Thursday, November 29th, we will have a project critique session.  Please come with a complete draft of your project!  I will also ask you to resubmit your draft to me by midnight on Thursday to check on your progress.  (That said, I AM NOT GIVING FORMAL WRITTEN FEEDBACK TO THESE DRAFTS...unless I feel like it.)

1984 Reading and Seminar
As you read, work on the Seminar Coaching prep.
1984 Seminar will be December 13th.