Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tuesday, March 12th

Starter 3.12: Is factory farming worth the trade-offs?  What you be willing to give up in order to have a different agricultural paradigm?
  • Share Out: 3.6 (review) and 3.12

What is the deal with “Food Miles”?

Table Groups: One person scribe your answers in a Google Doc and share with Jessica.
  • What is his thesis?
  • What are the main points that he makes to support his perspective?
  • Brody asks:  “Is the correlation of prosperity with processed and packaged foods nearly 1.0?  Do you answer yes? Why or why not? Can you push back on this claim? How?
  • How does the perspective of this article change or complicate how you are processing the book (if at all)?
  • Come up with a Four Corners prompt related to this topic

The benefits of the industrial food system are worth the drawbacks

I would rather go back to local food systems of yesteryear even if it meant I sacrificed diversity