Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Wednesday, February 12th

Into the Wild film

Intertextual Claim Response Assignment
(See page 2 of this document for possible prompts and example claims)

Here is the example I spoke of, where the student analyzed the meaning of the belt.  Please don't copy her, but feel free to make an unconventional claim such as this.  Notice the sophistication of the claim itself!

For your reference:  Mini-workshop on interpretive claims 

Soundtrack Resources

Lyrics from the soundtrack

See Genius as well:



Google Film Criticism on this movie? If you do this, CITE the source!

HOMEWORK? When you finish your paragraph, read Yes, We Have no Nirvanas” by Kurt Vonnegut, located on pages 37-43 in your reader. This is homework if you don't get to it!