STARTER: What is your plan of action today? How do you need to use your time?
CHECK IC! SLC audit is happening now! If you have to do an action plan for my class, what should it contain?
1. The project is due Thursday unless you are doing something that requires an extension. Do not assume you have an extension if we haven't talked about it! Even if you do have an approved extension, you must submit a plan to me detailing exactly what needs to be done and how you will execute. YOU WILL NOT HAVE ANY MORE CLASS TIME!
2. HONORS: Cat's Cradle seminar is Wednesday morning. Please come prepared. See this doc for pre-write requirements.
You have a deadline for the first of two essays this weekend (Sunday night or before). If you get me a draft by the end of the day, I will still get you some feedback. Otherwise, don't forget to turn in your essay!
See Honors Semester 2 syllabus for details on seminar pre-write as well as essay guidelines and resources.
3. Conference with Jessica today?