Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Tuesday, February 9th

Starter 2.9: Can anyone give an example of a time they saw someone exercising virtue?

What virtues are these folks displaying?

  1. Why is it important to cultivate virtue? 
  2. How does cultivating virtue add meaning to one's life? 
  3. How do the virtuous actions of other people impact how you feel about them?
  4. What happens to your "meaningfulness" if you don't care about your own character?

Preview the Meaning of Life Interview/Panels

  • Does anyone want to take leadership and attend a meeting tomorrow with me?


  • I am here until the end of the hour. Or email me if you need to meet this afternoon
  1. Journal Catch-up (#10 due tonight). Bring journals on Thursday.
  2. Finish Into the Wild and get ready for Thursday's lit circle.
  3. Logistics for In-person:
    1. 8:25-12:25; No more health screening survey!
    2. Thursdays: 4 period day with College or LINK; Friday's: core only. longer periods.
    3. MASKS: (DUH)
    4. No consumption indoors. If you intend to eat the free breakfast, please arrive early to eat outside.
    5. Staying on campus to meet with teachers? Still can't mix pods! In order to return to in-person school, we HAVE TO follow the guidelines. Thanks in advance for your adherence to this!
    6. If you are new to AHS this semester, you stay with your Tu/F pod. Roxy: Jessica's Room. Zach: Dave's Room. Cristoff: Stephen's room. Just follow the peers you know are in your pod! SO STOKED, GUYS!!! Let's do this!