Starter 5: Brainstorm the POL prompt. Look at the guiding questions for the Performance Categories if you need to.
- In tough economic times, why should we keep you? Why are you a valuable asset to this institution? How is your performance ensuring that you will continue to have a job?
Instructions for Peer Critique (lit analysis)
1. Using the Literary Analysis Peer Critique protocol in your packet, exchange papers with your group (3 or 4 way rotate) and give each other thoughtful critiques. You only have to give/receive one, but please feel free to get more critiques if you need/want to. You can choose partners for any subsequent critiques.
2. Revise tonight as homework.
Welcome, Libby! An Overview of LINK Project Proposals
TO DO Today:
1. Peer critique of Literary Analysis
2. Conference with Libby about project proposals.
3. Read every word of the POL description and rubric. If you have questions about POL's, please ask them here.
4. Brainstorm POL "pitch" content. What claims will you make about your strengths and how you will improve?
5. Conference with Jessica about POL? (today or tomorrow)
1. Revise Literary Analysis. Due tomorrow at the beginning of the hour.
2. Begin to outline your POL presentation. What claims will you make about your strengths and how you will improve? If you have questions, put them on the Google Doc.