Wednesday, January 22, 2014

History as Narrative
Research Notes
Research Synthesis


1.  Brainstorm by Category
Your group’s scribe should download a copy of the handout and scribe electronically.  Using all resources available to you, brainstorm a list of US History topics.  Each group should email me an electronic version of your brainstorm.  Then, add your ideas to this Google Doc.
NOTE:  Peruse Timelines??

2.  What do these look like as projects?
 Brainstorm project ideas and add them to this Google Doc.  Frame them as ideas for narrative project, ie.  “shadow puppet show about the Great Chicago Fire” or “mural depicting the Vietnam War protests” or “epic poem about a family moving Westward on the Oregon Trail”, etc…

3.  AS INDIVIDUALS:  Deeper exploration into topics of interest
Follow interesting ideas down the rabbit hole.  As you go, narrow down potential topics from broad to specific.  (Think about the stories each topic might contain.)
1.  Read and/or explore chapter titles and index of Howard Zinn’s book or another history text.
2.  Watch Episodes of Crash Course
4.  Timelines
Homework:  Make a list of 10 potential topics for your project.  They should be narrowed down enough that you could do an historical inquiry on each.

DP work time.  Add the elements of your Wounded Knee inquiry to your DP.
1.  Explanation of Assignment
2.  Links to documents:  textbook passage and reflection, film analysis essay
3.  Images?  Be sure to give citation for any images you link.


Continue preliminary research into Narrative History topics.  Once you have decided on your topic, you may begin researching and collecting sources.