Write a haiku that references a moment or experience from your vacation. If you are stuck, you may also write one about how you are feeling right now back in school.
staycation is bliss
waking up slow to "I spy"
and pancake requests
Where are we going next?
New starter system!
Circle: What are our preconceived notions about the history(ies) of the indigenous peoples of this continent?
Let's read stories!
Check out a copy of The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven.
(If you have not turned in Montana 1948, please do so ASAP!)
1. READ:
“A Drug Called Tradition”
“Crazy Horse Dreams”any others you would like
Make a minimum of 5 stand-alone annotations (observations, striking passages, reactions, commentary, interpretations, questions).
3. Be prepared to INTERPRET Alexie's work. (As critical readers of literature, we are always doing so.)