Monday, September 8, 2014

Key Questions
How does ideology impact the telling of history?
What are the ideologies upon which America was founded?
To what degree is the United States living up to the ideals set forth in the Declaration?


Please get out your Reverse Outline so a can check it while you do your starter.
Honors:  Turn in Application Essay by midnight.

1. Starter 9.8:  What do Americans believe?  Complete this sentence in as many ways you can think of (at least 5).  These do not necessarily need to be beliefs that you personally hold, but rather beliefs you have observed that are often held by some of your country people:  

·                     Americans believe....

2. Review definition of ideology
Discuss:  What ideologies did we see in the Google doc and video?

4. Pair share:  
1. What do you remember about the American Revolution?  What have you learned about it in your education? 
2. Why was the Declaration of Independence written?  Upon what ideologies was the Revolution based?

1. What ideology is reflected in the way the story of the Revolution is usually told?
2. What was the role of rhetoric in the American Revolution?
3. What was the exigency of writing the Declaration of Independence?

6. Declaration of Independence video
1.  What ideology is underlying the Declaration?
2.  How does the language of the Declaration impact you as an American?
3.  How do you think this video is supposed to make you feel?  Is the video itself rhetorical?  How so?

  • Declaration Preamble
  • Why did the Founding Fathers write the Declaration?
  • A Significant Omission

***If you would like to finish this work at home in order to go visit with the representative from Colorado College at 10:30, you may.

1. Finish the Declaration packet if you did not do so in class.
2. Join my Edmodo group!!  Group code: mrw762  Copy and paste your response to today's starter into the prompt on Edmodo!