Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Starter 9.9:  Discuss your take-aways from yesterday's work.  What did you learn about the Declaration that expanded or challenged your thinking about America's founding?  At this point, how would answer the question:  To what degree is the United States living up to the ideals set forth in the Declaration of Independence?

Discuss Declaration Packet. TURN IT IN!
What are the ideologies upon which our country is founded?

What is jingoism?
Pair share:
  • Look up definitions.
  • Do we see "jingoistic interests" in contemporary ideology and rhetoric?

Read and annotate: Re-examining the Revolution” by Ray Raphael

Respond in your digital comp books to these prompts:
1.  Ray Raphael says, "We continue to see ourselves as David to prove we are not Goliath..."  What does he mean by this?  How does he see this as a result of mythologizing the study of history?  Why should we care?
2.  Do we agree with Raphael's claim that "the historical self-portrait of America as the little guy, together with a myopic denial of international politics, fuels the quest for unbounded global power"?

Rhetorical Exchange!
1. Copy and paste the best of your response into an original note on Edmodo.
2.  Respond to 3-5 of your peers' posts.  BE RHETORICAL!!