Starter: Read over my feedback. On one side of the index card, articulate your goals for project work time today. What are your next steps? On the other side of the card, express your needs. What do you need from me? From peers? From your self?
Odds and Ends
1. Did you turn in your research notes? Did you turn in your project plan? Check Powerschool and see if this assignment is missing. If so, rectify it!
2. Exhibition is in one week! I need to meet with the exhibition team ASAP! Today at lunch? Where is my video and audio crew? What is everyone's first period class?
3. Democratic moment: Do we want to do whole class critique or small group critique?
4. I have office hours today! I will hold them Thursday too if need be.
5. ONE WEEK MARK! This is when the magic happens....
Work Time
Conference with me?
At the end of the hour...check in with yourself. Share with a partner what you got done today and what you need to keep working on as homework, What are your next steps?