Rehearse, refine, troubleshoot!!!!
1. If you have not done so, please fill out this survey. Please think of a clever, concise, rhetorically impactful title!
2. Send me any support materials for your project (PPT, Video, Music, etc.)
1. Self-Critique
Annotate your draft. Mark and answer the following.
1. Highlight a place in the draft where you feel you have captured the essence of your perspective. Using the comment function, label it PERSPECTIVE. If you feel like your perspective comes through strongly in several places, mark them all.
2. Mark 2-3 places in the draft where your research shows up. In the comment field, explain how something in your research informed your rhetoric. Specify which source if possible.
3. Label (by name) the rhetorical devices you incorporated into your project.
4. Label places where you have incorporated Aristotelian appeals. Explain in the comments how and why you have chosen to incorporate them the way that you have.
5. Answer the following in writing;
a. How are you attempting to modify the perspective of your audience? What is the bias that you want to get them to understand/believe?
b. How have you appealed to your audience’s values/beliefs/emotions?
c. Comment on how the form, beauty, or force of your project impacts the rhetoric. How does your genre allow you to achieve your goals?