Monday, December 15, 2014

POL Prep Resources


Considering a gap year between high school and college?  Check out this cool program Ashley's friends, Becca and Chris, started:

1. A Case of the Monday's + Why do POLs? 
2. Go over the agenda for today and tomorrow
3. Review POL Expectations
  • Be sure to highlight Strengths AND Areas for Improvement
  • Directly address the question “Why should we retain you?’
  • Be creative!
  • Q and A from students about guidelines
  • Professional dress, 
4. Critique Past Student Examples
  • Individually fill out the rubric
  • Small group share out
  • Whole class discussion
5. Academic and Cultural Strengths 
  • Example of a thoughtful comments: "I appreciate the insightful comments you contribute during small group discussions and seminar"; "You are a talented artist and always give helpful critique on my art projects for Humanities exhibitions"; "Your writing skills are through the roof and I'm impressed by how strong of a poet you are"; "You always have a positive thing to say to someone to brighten their day"; "You are non-judgmental and that helps make other students feel comfortable at Animas".
  • Write your name on top of a paper
  • Pass your paper around and highlight strengths in that person in both the academic and cultural/social sense
9:45-10:00 BREAK

Seminar Prep:
A. How do these ideas/readings challenge traditional models of education and notions of "success" in school?
B. How does this content inform your understanding of your own intellectual and cultural strengths AND areas for growth?  Decide which of Gardner's Intelligences you think you most possess and which you need to work on strengthening AND which of the "roles" from reading #2 that most correspond to you and which you think it would be helpful to you to improve.  WHY?
C.How can you or others bring these ideas INTO POLs?

1. Open Brainstorm time (1 hour)
Complete pages 2 and 4 of the PLANNING PACKET
GOAL: Coming out of this you should be able to identify at least 3 key strengths in your academic and cultural contributions and LINK/COLLEGE at Animas and SUPER SPECIFIC pieces of evidence to support each strength as well as 3 areas for refinement AND ideas for how you'll present your POL.

Remember! You MUST answer “WHY SHOULD WE RETAIN YOU?” How are you contributing overall?

2. Share-out (10-15 minutes): What types of evidence can you use? (be specific); What are creative ideas for presenting your POL? Make a list on the whiteboard.

3. Break (15 minutes)

4. Work time to the end of the day (fill out planning packet): 
  • Coming out of this you must have a draft of your deliverable (What is your POL content and HOW will you deliver the message? i.e. powerpoint, song, rap, extended metaphor, act, etc..)
  • Email your supervising teacher your draft (ticket out the door)
  • Complete Steps 2 and 4 of the planning packet (pages 3 and 5)
  • Create a draft or outline of HOW you'll deliver your presentation.