Chat about Ferguson verdict....
- DP update extension. Please send me link when this is complete. New Ospreys: Does Dusty have your link?
- Honors lunch meeting on Wednesday. Please sign up for a meeting on the calendar!
- I'm still grading reflections:)
Starter 12.1: Read the poem "Crazy Horse Speaks"
- What historical content do you think this is referring to?
- What questions do you have about this poem, its significance?
- What people/places/events do you think you need to research/study to better understand this poem’s meaning?
- Can you formulate any interpretations of this poem right now?
- Choose a passage from the poem and make an interpretive claim about its significance.
- Understand the goals for our Native American Studies project
- Explore the place where history intersects literature (that is to say: use historical information to understand literature and use literary interpretation to understand history)
Project Description
- Questions and Clarifications
Group Work: "Crazy Horse Speaks"
- Take turns sharing your starter responses
- One group member open up the google document
- Make a copy and share it with all of your group members AND Jessica
- Divvy up research on the people/places/events and add notes to Google Doc.
Video: Where Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse Defeated Colonel Custer
Whole class discussion: What new understandings do we have about the poem? What further questions do you have?
We are going to be exploring the intersections between history and literary expression.
Reading: Chapter 1 of Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
Who was Dee Brown?
Read intro aloud; establish bias of the history.
Bury My Heart Chapter One Response (HOMEWORK)
Annotate with the following questions it mind and then respond to them it your COMP BOOK:
1. How does this version of America’s history diverge from how you have traditionally learned it?
2. Where do you see evidence of a different ideological lens or worldview in the way the history is being told?
3. Why is it important to look at this version of the history of the West?