Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Goals for the Day

  • Process Mr. Naranjo's visit
  • Focus your project

Starter 2.4:  Freewrite your reaction to yesterday's guest speaker.  

  • Share Take-aways

Project Process
Step 1:  Research and brainstorm topic/text/central document
Step 2:  Preliminary Research
Do some research to refine and narrow your topic.  See what is out there.  Make a plan.
Step 3:  Refine Topic and Establish Thesis (subject to change)
Topic due Friday, February 6.  
Working thesis due Tuesday, February 10.  (We will have a mini-tune on this day)
Step 4:  Focused Research/Close reading of texts
During this phase, you should be researching in such a way as to accomplish your project goals. I am not going to mandate any particular format of note-taking and annotation, but you should be documenting your research! I am going to check your progress throughout.  Document in a way that feels authentic and useful to you.  Annotate?  Notes Page?  Post-its?  Comp Book?
Your Works Cited should contain at least 5 sources (unless you are doing a lit analysis, in which case you may have fewer or more, depending on what you are analyzing).  Create your Works Cited page along the way!!!
Step 5:  Analytical Writing (in whatever genre you have chosen).
Critique draft due Friday, February 13
Step 6.  Refinement/Critique

Step 7: Visual Display/Exhibition
Conference with me throughout as needed!!  

Center for Southwest Studies research
1. Search archives under Finding Aids
2. Quick Tutorial on searching the CSWS website for books.

History crew:  Preliminary research
1. Explore the CSWS website further?  Know what you need up there.
2. Explore the resources that are out there on your given topic.
3. Refine and narrow your topic and focus.
4. Field Trip plan?

Lit crew:  Read literature and do background research. 
1. Explore the poetry of Simon Ortiz and/or N. Scott Momaday.
2. Research the authors on the list.  Look in my anthologies.
3. Research background on the authors.  Check the Center for Southwest Studies library for books.
4. I have ordered some books of poetry that will arrive today.  Tomorrow you can spend reading and analyzing.

Honors:  Meeting today for logistics and troubleshooting.
1.  Research questions on table tents
2.  Documentation binders
3.  Artist Statements
4.  What else do you need for your project?

EXIT TICKET (post-it note):
1. Where are you in your process?  Which step?
2. Describe the work you did today.
3. What do you need to do tomorrow?