Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Today's Goal

  • Understand some basics about environmentalism and environmental ethics
  • Be able to define the following concepts
    • Instrumental and Intrinsic Value
    • Anthropocentrism
    • Ecology
    • Preservation
    • Conservation
    • Sustainability

Starter (verbal pair share):  React to the video from PEAK meeting.  How does this relate to our project?  What ideological assumptions is the speaker making?  Are her ideas problematic in any way?

Video:  The Overview Effect
Key Question: How has our relationship with Earth changed in the last 50 years?

Lecture:  Intro to Environmental Ethics, Part 1

Reading for Quiz:  Rachel Carson's Commencement Address from Scripps College, 1962.  ADVICE:  annotate for the concepts we learned about today, as well as any connections you see to her work to Leopold's land ethic and/or Chief Seattle's speech.

Read Rachel Carson
Review Chief Seattle speech
Revise Project (draft due Friday)
If you have a complete draft for me that has been revised since peer critique, go ahead and send it!