Wednesday, September 2, 2015


  • Any luck with parent drivers?
  • Honors meeting at lunch today
  • Power lunch with the police

Starter 9.2  
From your reading yesterday, note one "A-ha!" (a new piece of information that illuminated your understanding of our questions), one "Say what?!?" (something that surprised or struck you) and one "I wonder...." (a new question or strand of thought that came up for you).

Share out starters (Whole Group)

Article Review:  
What perspectives and biases do we see in each?
What questions did the articles bring up for you?

Our Driving Questions, refined....

  • What will be the lasting effects of the spill: environmental, economic, and social?
  • What steps can we take to repair the damage?
  • What caused the spill?  Would it have happened on its own?
  • How can we learn from what happened to prevent such spills in the future?
  • How concerned should we be about current and future river conditions and water use?
  • What is the history of mining contamination in our area?
  • What are the economic impacts for the Animas River communities, now and in the future?

Storycorps listen
A.  "It sounds like you were the black sheep"
  • Great example of empathetic listening 
  • What did you notice about the types of questions the granddaughter asks and how she asks them?
B. Animated: "Traffic Stop"

Assigned reading on Silverton's Superfund debate 
Driving questions' themes: Future Implications and Historical Context
A. Read Chase McCallister’s coverage in The Durango Herald of the Silverton mining situation over the last year or so. Pay attention to the date of each article! 

B. Then read this letter to the editor in the Silverton Standard, written just before the disaster.

As you read, take notes to help you answer our driving questions (note-taking template).  Freewrite in journal, answering these questions:

Freewrite 9.2
  • How do these articles illuminate your understanding of our driving questions?
  • What perspective are you forming about the Superfund dilemma in Silverton?

Continue Open Research time and/or Storycorps listening tour
  • Pick a perspective from the list on the board that most intrigues you or one that you know the LEAST about or are least drawn to
  • Focus your research on those perspectives
  • Take notes using the template or another format.
  • Did you find a SUPER good resource? Post it in the stream on our Google classroom!  Feel free to read each others' and respond in the comments.

Exit Ticket 
What did you learn from your independent research today?
What feedback do you have for me at this point on the project?