Thursday, November 5, 2015

Quiz postponed until Monday:)
Honors:  Conference with me TODAY!!!

Starter 11.5:  Did you see any possible project topics emerge from O'Reilly vs. Stewart?  What new insights into American politics did you gain?
(When everyone is done with the quiz, we will discuss.)

Small group discussion (Scribe on Google doc and share):
1. What main take-aways did you have from consuming the media coverage of the Bush administration's case for the Iraq War?
2. What are the ideological roots of the Bush Doctrine?  Upon what ideas about America is this foreign policy strategy based?
3. Why are some people critical of this doctrine?

(Scroll down to yesterday's post for guidelines)

1. Research your topic!!
2. QUIZ PREP:  Come Monday with one solid rhetorical source related to your project idea.  Your quiz will be based on this source!
For quiz, study...

  • Everything in the Herrick reverse outline
  • Aristotelian Appeals
  • Relationship between rhetor, message, and audience