Monday, November 30, 2015

Goals for the Day
  • Clarify our next steps
  • Refocus ourselves on effective persuasion and argumentation
  • Learn some new strategies for building effective arguments (Aristotelian and Rogerian arguments)

 Walk and Talk, Shake it Off
  • ·         How was break?
  • ·         How are feeling about your progress in our project?

Starter:  Rubric Review and Self Check-in
Please write this on a piece of paper and hand in to me. 
1.  Update me on your status with both parts of this project.  Be super honest and super specific.  When you look over the project guidelines and rubrics, how are you feeling about your progress?
2.  In what ways are you excelling in this project?  What is going well for you?
3.  In what ways do you need to make progress?
4.  Anything else you want to tell me about your situation in my class?

My takeaways from spending a week with your projects:
1.  We, as a class, are not ready to exhibit this project on a stage a week from tomorrow. I haven’t seen much evidence of your project work for exhibition, with a few exceptions.
2.  We need to spend more time working on making effective arguments, written and otherwise.
3.  The exhibition part of this project wants to be critiqued and practiced and refined. 
4.  Our written arguments need some critique and refinement as well.

Other Odds and Ends
1.  Did you turn in your research notes?  Did you turn in your project plan?  Check Powerschool and see if these assignments are missing.  If so, rectify it!
2.  Exhibition is still on for January!  I need an exhibition crew.  Who wants to help me coordinate it?  Who is my video and audio crew?  
3.  Note new due dates for your project!  See this calendar to review.
4.  Honors students, please make a meeting with me!

What makes for effective argumentation? 
1. Group Brainstorm/Review:  What makes for effective arguments?

2. Strategies for Argumentation:  Aristotelian and Rogerian Rhetoric

Work time/Homework:
Finish Opinion Column Analysis:  Due tomorrow
Revise/refine draft of written argument.  Decide:  Should you go Rogerian or Aristotelian?
OPTIONAL:  Read argumentative writing!  Read commentary and opinion!  Read letters to editors!