Monday, February 13, 2017

Monday, February 13

  • Honors: Let’s meet this Thursday.  If you have not done so, please grab a copy of A Tale for the Time Being. Book Club meeting scheduled for March 2.
  • Honors: Turn in The Stranger!!!
  • Slight Change….Lit Circle on Thursday 2.16: Let’s finish this thing!  You will not have to do the usual pre-write, but instead just answer the three essential questions on the study of this book:
    1. What can we learn from Chris McCandless’ story about the human quest for happiness and meaning? 
    2. What does it mean to live deliberately?  What does it mean to be self-reliant?  (Relate to Into the Wild!)
    3. How can the path toward meaning be shaped by BOTH the natural world AND by our civilization?

Literature Circle Meeting #3: Start a new document!

The Questions:  Humans and Planet Earth
  • How do we characterize the human relationship with Earth and its other species and resources?
  • How do you characterize your (ethical) relationship with the Earth and its other species and resources?
Journal 2.13:  How would you answer either or both of these questions at this point?

Environmental Ethics:  the discipline in philosophy that studies the moral relationship of human beings to, and also the value and moral status of, the environment and its nonhuman content…”(From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Read and annotate with this question in mind: How does Rachel Carson answer this week’s question?  (How does she characterize the human relationship with Earth and its other species and resources?)