Friday, December 14, 2018

Friday, December 14

1984 Seminar!
FISHBOWL:  When in outer circle, take notes on interesting points.  You will need to incorporate these notes into your reflection assignment.

Group A: 45ish minutes
Group B: 45ish minutes

Seminar Reflection and Synthesis (Email me by Sunday!)
  1. Reflect on the outcome of the seminar.  Consider your own performance and the seminar overall.  How did you do personally and how did the group do collectively?   Based on the rubric, what grade do you deserve on the seminar? *  Please explain why you think you deserve this grade.
  2. React to something one of your peers said when you were in the outer circle.  Was there anything that enlightened you? Something you particularly disagree with?  How did your thinking about the book change as a result of this seminar?
  3. Write a paragraph about one of the themes of the book, using one quote or illustrative example from the text to make your point.  (Make an interpretive claim about the book and support it with evidence.) Your claim may be something you develop further from your seminar prep, or it may be a new idea that you acquired during the seminar.  

*If you are not happy with your seminar performance, you may write out answers to the seminar prep questions using textual evidence for an improved grade. See: Seminar Make-up Assignment

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Thursday, December 13th

Shall we watch this Thug Note together?
O brave new world that hath such people in't!

Literature Circle Seminar Prep 1984
Organize yourselves into groups of 3
Choose scribe(s). Make a copy of this document so that you can annotate the main points of your conversation.

  1. Plot clarification:  What questions do you have about the storyline and plot?  Are you confused about anything? Help each other clarify the plot!
  2. Character Analysis:  Review the characterization and discuss the significance of the following characters. Bullet-point the main points of your discussion.
    • Winston
    • Julia
    • O’Brien
    • Mr Charrington
    • Big Brother
    • Emmanuel Goldstein
  3. Discussion Questions:  (Bullet-point the main points of your discussion.)
    • Discuss the significance of the Party’s slogans (WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH) and the names of the government Ministries.
    • What is the purpose of the Two Minutes Hate?  
    • What is up with the Proles?  Why doesn’t the Party bother much with them
  4. Intertextuality: (Document the main points of your discussion)
    • What are the connections between 1984 and Brave New World?  What are the differences?  Which seems more realistic?  OPTIONAL: Include The Hunger Games in your intertextual discussion. (‘Tis the dystopian story of your generation.  Take it in, kids!)
  5. Seminar Question Generation:  As a group, come up with at least 5 seminar questions that might help us get at the deeper meaning of 1984 in tomorrow's seminar.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Tuesday, December 11th

Four Corners
  • Government surveillance is necessary to keep us safe.  You shouldn’t worry about it if you are not doing anything wrong. 
  • Torture is an appropriate way to gather intelligence as long as the prisoner does not die.
  • If the government can prove you were thinking about a crime, they should be able to arrest you.
  • We are living in a “post-factual world.”

What are some of the prominent themes you are seeing in this novel?  What textual evidence do you see for those themes?

Any questions about the vocab list?  Please ask me!

Here is a good overview of what you see in fascism:
The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism
Go over the list and think about the subtleties.  In each case, what might we want instead to ensure continued democracy?

Carry on with your preparations for seminar. 
 It should be your goal to be close to done with the book by tomorrow, in preparation for your literature circle seminar coaching meeting.  (Do we need to push back?)

Possible extension to your seminar preparation:  Do further research on totalitarian and/or fascist regimes.  (Not because I told you to, but because you are curious...)  Any additional research and insight into other fascist regimes (both historical and fictional,) can only enhance and add to the quality of your seminar!

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Monday, December 10

Dearest students: 
Last week of first semester classes!  Today is a great day to tuck yourself away into your own thoughts and learning and get lots of work done.  Be productive and resourceful and calm and quiet.

1, If you haven't submitted your projects yet, please do so, as per Friday's guidelines.  I will be grading today, so it is very important that you do this piece.

2. If you haven't finished your reflection and DP update, those are also due TODAY.  DP update and Reflection assignment. Send me your DP LINK TODAY!

3. 1984!
Continue to read the novel and the accompanying readings with attention to the Seminar Prep assignment
There are hard copies of the additional readings on the table by the door if you would like to read and annotate them that way.
Electronic versions are linked to the seminar prep doc.

1984 Audiobook online
Image result for big brother 1984 war is peace

Friday, December 7, 2018

Friday, December 7th

You guys make me proud!!!!! Last night filled my bucket:)

DP update and Reflection assignment

Project Submission and Self-Assessment (due Friday, December 7)

  1. Submit an annotated version of your project where you have used the bullet points of the rubric to demonstrate how your project meets the standards (or doesn’t).  For video projects, this “annotation” can be done on your script and/or by giving a detailed run-down of where in your video you have met the rubric standards.
  2. Include a copy of the rubric scored on parts A-D.  What grade do you deserve on this project?

Reflection (due Monday, December 10)-  
(Approx 750 Words, First Person)
  • Describe the project that you did and your experience at exhibition.
  • Now that you have looked at both sides more deeply, how and why has your perspective shifted?  
    • What do you now understand about your own values that you didn’t before?
    • What do you understand about the “other side’s” values that you didn’t before?
  • What have you learned about democracy after completing this project?
  • How have your political views changed as a result of this project?
  • What role could Rogerian rhetoric and/or a “willingness to be disturbed” play in a democratic society?

DP UPDATE (due Monday, December 10)

Post on your DP:
  • Title
  • Send me a link!

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Thursday, December 6th

Exhibition Day!!!  Let's get ready!

Be at the Fairgrounds by 5:15.  If you can get there a little bit earlier to help set up, I will be there at 5.  

Get your writing ready!  
Clever title, centered, bold, 14 pt font
Name under title, centered, 11 or 12 pt font
If you aren't exhibiting a formal piece of writing, please prepare a brief project description/artist statement to put in front of your digital project that has the aforementioned formatting for your title and your name.  Your project should still have a clever title even if it isn't writing!

Artists: BYO easel if necessary!

Digital artists: Bring a computer, charger, and headphones for your project to be consumed by your audience!

Seminar Practice!
Here are your groups!
1. Speed dating on the questions
2. Inner circle/Outer circle
Get meta...what order might the questions flow best?  What questions might be missing from the paper you all have.
3.  If you haven't done the prep, do that now!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wednesday, December 5th

Exhibition Seminar Prep:
1. Re-read Willing to be Disturbed and Causes of Partisan Perception.  ANNOTATE for SEMINAR!!!!  Write your name on the paper!
2.  Choose at least 3 of the seminar questions (one from each section of the paper, but you can choose more!) to freewrite answers to on the back of the paper.
3. Come to class tomorrow ready to "practice" for seminar.  Do not plan on having tomorrow as a work day in class!  We will be printing, practicing and getting ready for exhibition, so please have your projects as complete as possible!

When you are finished with your seminar prep, you may have WORK TIME to finish up your projects.  If you are done, please continue to read 1984

Exhibition Groups

Monday, December 3, 2018

Mon-Tues, December 3rd /4th

Make it work, people!!!!

Where are you with the writing and the visual?

If your writing piece is still looking for structure, perhaps draft from here......

Rogerian argument 

Five Major Elements of Rogerian Argumentation

  • Defines your issue (or the essence of the issue) in a way that does not place blame or cast judgment
  • Frames issue as a shared concern or a problem to be solved rather than as a divisive issue
  • Includes an examination of what both sides might be able to agree on
  • Establishes common ground by asserting shared values and/or desired outcomes (THINK: What concerns, values, relevant goals do both sides share?)
  • Identifies the other side’s position in such a way that would satisfy someone who holds it
  • Uses fair and objective language and avoids ad hominem and straw man fallacies
  • Identifies your side’s position in a way that doesn’t insult or assert moral superiority
  • States how adopting (at least some parts of) your ideas would benefit all and serve the common good

  • Offers suggestion for compromise (or at least an exhortation for further dialogue)
  • Reasserts common ground and shared goals and points out how compromise would benefit all and meet the needs and concerns of other
  • The “THESIS” of a Rogerian argument often occurs at the end


Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thursday, November 29th

Starter (pair share):  What do you know about totalitarian/fascist regimes in human history and in the present?  What happens there (or doesn't happen there?) How do you think these regimes come to power and maintain that power?  How do you imagine the people living in these regimes feel about their government?

PAUSE:  Take a deep breath of beautiful democracy, kids!  The fact that we are having these critical learning experiences is a privilege.  Take it in.

Did you, too, O friend, suppose democracy was only for elections, for politics, and for a party name? I say democracy is only of use there that it may pass on and come to its flower and fruit in manners, in the highest forms of interaction between [people], and their beliefs -- in religion, literature, colleges and schools -- democracy in all public and private life...."
-Walt Whitman

Peer and Self Critique Protocols

In your groups, follow the steps to “tune” each other’s’ project ideas.  
Step 1:  Presenter shares draft and/or project plans.  Discuss your plans for both your written argument and your visual. Presenter should also share struggles and a focusing question on which the group should center the tune.  
Step 2.  Group members ask questions to better understand the project idea and where the presenter wants to take it.
  • How are you appealing to the values of the other side?
  • How are you establishing common ground?
  • What solution or resolution are you proposing?
  • How are you using pathos/ethos/logos?
  • How will your visual engage your audience?
  • Other questions?
Step 3.  Group has a discussion about the project, addressing the focusing question and sharing ideas.  Presenter should take notes during this phase.
Step 4.  Rotate and repeat

Annotate your draft.  Mark and answer the following.  Submit with Draft tonight by midnight with Self-Critique

1.  Highlight the place in the draft where you feel you have captured the thesis of your argument.  Using the comment function, label it SOLUTION or RESOLUTION or THESIS.  
2.  Mark 2-3 places in the draft where your research shows up.  In the comment field, explain how something in your research informed your rhetoric.  Specify which source if possible.
3. Mark a place in the draft where you are clearly addressing the values and/or best arguments of the other side.  
4. Label places where you have incorporated Aristotelian appeals (LOGOS/PATHOS/ETHOS).  Explain in the comments how and why you have chosen to incorporate them the way that you have.
5.  Answer the following in writing at the bottom of your draft:
a.  How are you attempting to establish common ground with  your audience?  
b.  How have you appealed to your audience’s values/beliefs/emotions?
c.  Comment on how the form, beauty, or force of your project impacts the rhetoric.  How does your genre allow you to achieve your goals?
1984 Audiobook online!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Wednesday, November 28th

Starter (PAIR SHARE):  What associations do you have with the phrase Big Brother?  What ideas does it bring up in your mind?

Image result for 1984 memes

Yay, literature!!!  We love reading great books!  

1. Project Magic!  This is when it comes together!
Draft due tomorrow for critique and to Jessica at midnight.
2. If you are in good place with your project, you could also read 1984 during this time.

Ways not to use your work time....
Monkey bars
Real Housewives marathon
Staring off into the void
Gymnastics practice
Being foolish
Being boring
Advocating for a fascist revolution (Sorry, Zac, not today)
Other ________? (Y'all know...)

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Tuesday, November 27th

Exhibition is next Thursday!

Let's re-orient ourselves toward the project!
Respond to these questions on the whiteboards.
1. What is rhetoric?
2. What is ideology?
3. What is a "Rogerian argument"?
4. What is "civil discourse"?
5. What are "democratic institutions"?
6. What is one reason we do this project?

As individuals, read over the rubric and fill out the associated paper.
1. When you read through this document, what thoughts and feelings do you have?
2. Where are you really on this project?
3. Next, I need to....
4. I am struggling with.....

Group share out
Each person should share the following info with your group....
1. What is your project?
-visual and written?
2. What do you need to make happen before exhibition?
TOGETHER: On a piece of paper, make a T-chart
On each side:
What would you like exhibition to be/have?
What would you not like to see at exhibition?

Thursday, November 29th, we will have a project critique session.  Please come with a complete draft of your project!  I will also ask you to resubmit your draft to me by midnight on Thursday to check on your progress.  (That said, I AM NOT GIVING FORMAL WRITTEN FEEDBACK TO THESE DRAFTS...unless I feel like it.)

1984 Reading and Seminar
As you read, work on the Seminar Coaching prep.
1984 Seminar will be December 13th.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Mon-Wed. November 12th-14th

Hello, my students!  This is the week where our projects come together!  Thanks for working diligently to make that happen!

Image result for meme you got this

Continue working on your projects!  Let's shoot for having a solid project by Friday as we depart for Thanksgiving Break.


1. Work on draft of Rogerian rhetoric.  EITHER:  Look at Jessica's feedback OR Finish up the draft of your argument and submit to Jessica for feedback.

2. Make a plan to try to finish this part of your project before Thanksgiving Break.
Think about how your project will be both visual and written.

3. Write interview questions and make a plan for an interview.

THE PROJECT:  Rogerian argument 
Outlining and Planning Your Project

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Thursday, November 8

(Please do this by the end of Thanksgiving Break!)
Try to incorporate your new NVC skills!

Sign the thank-you note for Rachel!  

Please turn a draft of your Rogerian argument tonight by midnight for my feedback!

Conference with me today?

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Wednesday, November 7th

NonViolent Communication Workshop: Welcome, Rachel!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Tuesday, November 6

It's Election Day! 

  • What does that mean?
  • What is being decided upon today?
  • What is the deal with the House and the Senate?
  • Why is the Colorado ballot so big?
  • What questions do we have?

Get me a draft by Thursday at midnight!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Thursday, November 1

Starter (on scratch paper)
  • Where are you in your project?
  • What are you struggling with?
  • Is there anything Jessica can do for you?

Outlining and Planning Your Project

DRAFT DUE of Rogerian Argument next Thursday, November 8th by midnight!

Let's Conference!

Exhibition Planning Meeting tomorrow?

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Happy Halloween!

Please turn in your research notes by the end of the day today!  When you are finished with your research, begin to plan and brainstorm your project.  
Use this resource to get started:  
Outlining and Planning Your Project

Tuesday, October 30th

Episode of Middle Ground

Rogerian Rhetoric: Project Guidelines AND Rubric
Outlining and Planning Your Project

Model Projects:
1. Acacia
2. Remember Alma's?

Research Notes due tomorrow, October 31!
Draft of Rogerian project due next Thursday, November 8

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Monday, October 29th

Watch this TED talk:  Take the Other to Lunch
Starter 10.29:  React to TED talk. How does the idea of the empathy interview feel to you right now?  Would you like to do a Storycorps style interview with someone “across the aisle”? Or would you like to take the other to lunch?  Where are you in your process to set up any interviews?

Research Notes and Empathy Interviews
(Research Notes due Wednesday by the end of the day)

If you are finishing up your research, look ahead to project….
Rogerian Rhetoric: Project Guidelines AND Rubric

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Thursday, October 25th

Starter 10.25:  Reflect on your intellectual experience during our panels. What new insights did you gain from each or either? What did you notice about the difference in your reactions (intellectual and physical!) during each panel; did you feel differently each day? How so? Why do you think?

The Backfire Effect (Hold on to your amygdala!)
The Oatmeal “ Believe” (WARNING: Young adult self required to read this. Some mature language)
If this is the case (the backfire effect and our stubborn amygdalas), why is it still important to do the work that we are doing?
ZOOM OUT:  Why are we doing this project?

So this is happening in your democracy, by the way...

Change in DUE DATE:
Research Notes by Wednesday, October 31


Wednesday, October 24th

Welcome, Liberal Panel!

Tuesday, October 23rd

Welcome, Conservative Panel!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Monday, October 22

Starter:  Make a list of questions for each of our conservative and liberal panels.  Try to come up with a minimum of 5 questions for each panel.  At least one of your questions should deal with the topic you are studying in your research.  Copy and paste your questions into this shared Google doc.

TO-DO Today

  • Continue with (or start) your research!  LINK to Research Notes Template (Make a copy and get researching!)
  • If you know you who want to interview, reach out to that person and try to set something up.  

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Friday, October 19

Middle Ground:  Death Penalty

Please use your time wisely!  Your personal essay is due at midnight tonight!

Thursday, October 18th

Middle Ground: Veterans and Peace Activists

The Art of Rhetoric isn't always in the spirit of truth....
Logical Fallacies
Some logical fallacies

Extra Credit Opportunity:  
Campaign Mailers: Do we see any fallacies here?
Watch the Cruz/O'Rourke debate and identify specific fallacies you see.  
1 point per fallacy, up to 10 points.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tuesday, October 16

Empathy Interviews and Research (click here for notes template)
Conferences with me!

Student Led Conferences!
Speaking of empathy interviews, SLC’s are Wednesday!  The format is an empathy interview with your parents:)  Preview the SLC here.  We will talk more about this tomorrow and Wednesday.  If you are not signed up for an SLC, rectify that ASAP!  Steve is in charge of the master schedule if you have questions.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Monday, October 15th

Starter (on scratch paper): If you don’t know what your topic is, please do this starter by the end of the hour!
What is your project topic?
Frame your project topic as a two-sided (yes or no) question.
What is your perspective/bias on this topic?
Who might you interview that believes differently than you do?  (Please indicate if you have no one in mind and might need my help in lining up an interview.)

Topic Choice: Monday, October 15
Part 1 Personal Connection Narrative: Friday, October 19
Part 2 Research Notes and 1st interview done by Sunday, October 28
Part 3 Rogerian Argument Project Draft for Peer Critique: Wednesday, Oct. 31 (start of class)
Part 3 Draft to Jessica for Feedback:  Thursday, November 1 (by midnight)
Project Final: Exhibition November 14 or 15 (tentative, depending on vision)

Want to watch an episode of my new favorite show?  Perhaps it could inspire some ideas for the project and/or exhibition?  Middle Ground

  2. ISideWith Polls (scroll issues)
  3. Intelligence Squared Debates
  4. Middle Ground

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thursday, October 11th

Starter 10.11:  (ON PAPER)
Dear Jessica,
(Summary of how things are going for you right now and anything else you want to express….
Include any roses and thorns, where you are in your debate analysis--done or still working?--and whether or not you are ready to start writing your first essay)
Love, -student-

Topic Choice: Monday, October 15
Part 1 Personal Connection Narrative: Friday, October 19
Part 2 Research Notes and 1st interview done by Sunday, October 28
Part 3 Draft for Peer Critique: Tuesday, October 30 (start of class)
Part 3 Draft to Jessica for Feedback:  Thursday, November 1 (by midnight)
Project Final: Exhibition November 14 (tentative)

DISCUSS:  Who won the debate?

Want to watch an episode of my new favorite show?  Perhaps it could inspire some ideas for the project and/or exhibition?  Middle Ground

1:45:  Welcome, Judge Steven Bernard!