Starter (on scratch paper): If you don’t know what your topic is, please do this starter by the end of the hour!
What is your project topic?
Frame your project topic as a two-sided (yes or no) question.
What is your perspective/bias on this topic?
Who might you interview that believes differently than you do? (Please indicate if you have no one in mind and might need my help in lining up an interview.)
Topic Choice: Monday, October 15
Part 1 Personal Connection Narrative: Friday, October 19
Part 2 Research Notes and 1st interview done by Sunday, October 28
Part 3 Rogerian Argument Project Draft for Peer Critique: Wednesday, Oct. 31 (start of class)
Part 3 Draft to Jessica for Feedback: Thursday, November 1 (by midnight)
Project Final: Exhibition November 14 or 15 (tentative, depending on vision)
Want to watch an episode of my new favorite show? Perhaps it could inspire some ideas for the project and/or exhibition? Middle Ground
- ISideWith Polls (scroll issues)
- Intelligence Squared Debates
- Middle Ground