Thursday, October 4, 2018

Thursday, October 4th

Finish up debate simulation....

Storycorps: One Small Step
Journal 10.4:  React to this interview.  How do you feel about the Storycorps format as a piece for our project? Is there anyone in your life you might want to sit down with and have a conversation like this?  What is the value of doing so?

What are her general findings about the brain structures of libs/cons?
What advice does she have for liberals about how to communicate with conservatives?
What advice does she have for conservatives about how to communicate with liberals?
How does this help our understanding of how to communicate with each other.

If time:  Project Exploration

QUIZ Part 1 on Monday/Tuesday  
The quiz will be an analysis of a political debate.  You will have to apply your knowledge of ideology and some general principle of rhetoric.